Just a coincidence???


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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Every job that i have had designed to comply with TG thingy and submitted a quote for I have not won one so far...How did it go again "sorry you were a lot more expensive than ......" Now i know what you're gonna say but it's not helping my cash flow to say the least...
Every one wants full compliance, but nobody wants to pay for it.
A possible solution could be to check out the work you lost out on and see if in your opinion the scaffolds complied with the current regs, look at your drawings and do they compare. Assuming that the client specified all tenders required a drawing, was yours over the top so to speak in material thus imposing extra costs, if that were the case I would be looking at a new designer. If all were equal however you should revisit your pricing structure and possibly design fees. However if the regs were ignored in the granting of the contracts thats another matter and is out of your hands, age old story, they'll get away with it as long as nothing happens unfortunetly.
I personally think that most designs are over he top and with all this step and harness thing goin on its hard to know how to price a job to get it and make a profit...We all break the so called law every day cos if we didn'nt we would'nt get anything done but to keep losing out when you are trying to to play by the rules makes a mockery of the law...
Do what the NASC companies do where I live, undercut everyone else and don't manage the sites just let the boys loose and do what they want it's much more productive.
Saves a fortune on design drawings as well.
no-one got a chance of getting anything if they are up against his lot.....Blink & its up..Blink again & its struck..
The goons that keep moving the Goal posts keep re-writing the rule book do so with their dicks in their hands but when it comes down to enforcing their stupid rules they are no where to be seen....I only play their stupid game when I am asked too and so far it has just been a waste of my time...
why bother with square plumb and level,does it really matter if not all of the ledgers can connect,**** me stopping now
You know what Paddy we are fast becoming the busiest fools in the country...This game is all i know but some times it feels like i don't know anything about it....
You know what Paddy we are fast becoming the busiest fools in the country...This game is all i know but some times it feels like i don't know anything about it....

That is very close to our new slogan fo the sccr!!

The only bit you forgot, never felt more unsafe as I do now with all the eyes in the back of my head!!
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