Job in Paradise

Its a bit vague,looks a french company,so is it t&f instruction and do u have to speak french. Where is paradise?
Its For Quebec Fred, They Speak French Canadien There, Just Like In Louisiana They Speak Creole Which Is Similar To French And Old Scots (Not As Harsh As Doric Scots But Certainly Scots)
Creole, Happy should speak that. French and scot mix, the mind boggles.
feck quebec the jesuits expelled the Hugenoets from the Provence but they returned with General Wolfe and done the fecking basterds good and proper.
i speack lowland Scots with a Glaswegian dialect,and also fully conversant in bull shiit;)
I Speak Dundonian And English Happy, Some Doric But Not Much (Blokes Like Garry Adams Speak It)
wasnt it the highlanders that considered lowlanders as sasanachs
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