

Mar 8, 2011
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i am a forty somthing scaffolder been in the game since i was seventeen just renewed my card at a cost of 26.50 the test was 35.50 because of these regulations does anyone think these contributions are just fueling an adminestrive work force thats not needed.also ive just had to pass a health and safety passport at 135.00 now i here there is a kwickstage card a cuplock card a Tand F card.i managed to work seventeen years with just a citb card and a aeeu union card.or am i just out of touch with new technics?
jimmy its a fckn disgrace your 100% correct the moneys lining pockets the hangers on in our trade are mounting by the day as are renewal costs,course costs etc as for those tap tap tickets what a load of bollox mate pure and simple money milker.
Welcome jimmy, everyones taking a bit

welcome jimmy matey

everyones taking a bit,,apart from us.

any tom, ****, and jane can get their if theyve got cash,,,,nowt else needed.

nae money, F OFF, its sad aint it?

Just heard that you need a certificate to use a stress tester. All you do is turn a fukcing Knob, how much for this difficult course i wonder...First inspector to ask me for my certificate I'll twist his neck,that's for sure.(rant over)
Hi Jimmy, welcome to the forum. Unfortunately I can only agree with all the things we have to do to keep our cards up to date. It becomes even worse when you add all the other courses we have to do like confined space, fork-lift, hi-abb, HGV and first aid. There are many more but got bored trying to re-call them. Nothing we can do but suck it up as everybody tries to cover their erse.
Hi Jimmy.
Got a disc cutter ticket a little while ago....very useful!
Especially when the safety guy came on site saw my mate spinning the disc and told him to stop in case he started the disc cutter up!!
Wonder have they thought of bringing out a knot tying course, a ladder climbing course. how to wear your belt course, Would'nt surprise me.
Scaffolding is an industry. health and safty is an industry. but they leach of of us. they serve no purpose but to line there own pockets. all i ever get from them is ******** and platitudes, I can go to any scaffold anywhere and pick holes in it. but at the end of the day i,d ask my self is it safe. in the vast majority of times the answer is yes. but to hse if its not text book you get slated. We all work in the real world, I have no idea what world the come from. any hse reading this will thing im a gungho cowbow that should be driven from the industry, but im still alive, and kicking, never had an accident , never hurt any one. what have they done to earn the right to tell me how to do my job. I am never closed to learning something that will help me , and keep me safe, after all im not a loon, But i want the choice as to how i work i accept this is dangerous work. all the **** i hear trotted out now is driving me mad. i send kids on courses, and i cant belive what they tell me when they come back, the way they have been taught in the trianing centers, (basing out on the floor? what the **** use is that in the real world).
im glad thats of my chest, my wifes sick of listening to my rantings. sorry for going on.
Spanner Man I share your frustration, I have nothing against safety, in fact I'm all fior it, It's not the regulations as such that is the fault, it's the interpretation that some of those muppets put on it, nobody seems to sing from the same hymn sheet.
thanks for the replys and the welcome i have received on the forum.its gratifying to no that i am not the only one feeling used.on another point regarding tax u can reclaim all your travelling exspenses,dinners,parking tickets etc by contacting a firm called rift.basically its a self assesment with a fee.i did last year and got a nice we return.i hope this is helpful to the lad with tax problems.my contacts name was jane dickson and the company is based in kent.mobile 07971563140 office 01233628648.GOOD LUCK.
Hi Jimmy and welcome
I totally agree with you about them conning us out of money.I held out for as long as i could before i had to upgrade from a CITB card but i was lucky the firm i was working for at the time payed for mine.but in the future dont let them con you if you have a valid safety passport wit at least a year to run , you do not have to do the touch screen.
hi jimmy welcome: brandy mentions a knot tieing course well cape have one as well as a
gin wheel&rope course in fact theyve got a course for every f?????? thing all only any good if you work for cape?? i just spent allday trying to rescue a f?????? dummy on a course.
Dilbot, I done that dummy rescue course, was only half serious about the knot course, but now that you've verified that there is one nothing else will surprise me in how far these people will go to empty our pockets.
Scaffolding is an industry. health and safty is an industry. but they leach of of us. they serve no purpose but to line there own pockets. all i ever get from them is ******** and platitudes, I can go to any scaffold anywhere and pick holes in it. but at the end of the day i,d ask my self is it safe. in the vast majority of times the answer is yes. but to hse if its not text book you get slated. We all work in the real world, I have no idea what world the come from. any hse reading this will thing im a gungho cowbow that should be driven from the industry, but im still alive, and kicking, never had an accident , never hurt any one. what have they done to earn the right to tell me how to do my job. I am never closed to learning something that will help me , and keep me safe, after all im not a loon, But i want the choice as to how i work i accept this is dangerous work. all the **** i hear trotted out now is driving me mad. i send kids on courses, and i cant belive what they tell me when they come back, the way they have been taught in the trianing centers, (basing out on the floor? what the **** use is that in the real world).
im glad thats of my chest, my wifes sick of listening to my rantings. sorry for going on.

my wife has a migraine every night spannerman were treated like fooking idiots as for the trainning centres they want a good shakeup not the instuctors just the system the ammount of lads i see struggling when baseing out i say why dont you get a tie man its easier. yeah i no but thats how weve been taught as for street work its so diffrent to industrial work so why ante this taught in the trainning centres.
Dont give them ideas dico, like the different system tickets we will have a week for street, a week for yard, a week for rigs, a week for stations etc etc
there probably wait untill theres a shortage of scaffolders then there move the goal post again. be like my mate hows on the underground who has an advanced ticket and has a polish gezzer as a supervisor hee ho he just keeps takeing the money
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