its not like the old days

fix up look sharp

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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ive just turned 32 done things the right way yard lad at 17 then labourer trainee part 2 advance worked with some fantastic scaffs done everything from a micky mouse putlog extension to a hanger off a bridge over the m1 to a drop lift on a church spire but when did it become ok to give young lads trainee tickets let them put a house front up and call them scaffolders! some good freinds of mine got finished last week the reason was the guvnor could put 2 trainees on the job for the same money as a scaff was on these lads then had the cheek to ring up my m8 and ask how to set up a basic birdcage!
This seems to be going on all over the place makes your blood boil
sorry for the rant had to get it off my chest
Its down to us all

Its about time we all stood together, you can not blame the young lads they no no diffrent, but the days of scaffolding the old way has gone.I used to get a clout every time i climed up the ladder with gear, to many yes men in the game today and to much pressure on the lads to get jobs done and no time to teach young lads the right way.
i know that feeling,got replaced after 7 years for two numbtys,one that cant base out on his own,and the other says he is advanced,but only has part one.its more for quantity than quality now.
it wouldnt be so bad if it was a little housing site firm but these lads were doing work for laing o rourke and balfour beatty think its going to take a major accident before people come to their senses i took a job down these young pretenders put up 18m long 5 lifts high not one standard or ledger staggerd no ties just a 6 metre raker each end my missus could of done a better job and shes 5 months pregnant!
ive just turned 32 done things the right way yard lad at 17 then labourer trainee part 2 advance worked with some fantastic scaffs done everything from a micky mouse putlog extension to a hanger off a bridge over the m1 to a drop lift on a church spire but when did it become ok to give young lads trainee tickets let them put a house front up and call them scaffolders! some good freinds of mine got finished last week the reason was the guvnor could put 2 trainees on the job for the same money as a scaff was on these lads then had the cheek to ring up my m8 and ask how to set up a basic birdcage!
This seems to be going on all over the place makes your blood boil
sorry for the rant had to get it off my chest

hahaha make you right look sharpe same s!it with us because we didnt have a cisrs ticket we were sent up road with the matrix system as we didnt have cisrs the lads that are left not all but some cant do no more than a independent or a tower but there qualified with there cisrs ticket throw them a hanger or a cantilever there be fooked .my blood boils every time i read threads like yours sharpe system one fooking joke mate!!!
I can only agree fuls, it's the way of the world today. This thread could be merged with the other"A scaffolders Worth." You are obviously talking about T&F but it get's even worse when you get in to system.
I have like many other firms sent lads through the apprenticeship and fu ck me do they think they are the dogs when you get them back, normally takes me about a week to whip there sorry butts back into shape. 1 year with a good scaffolder is worth 5 years at the collage and i am glad to be able to say i have turned about 5 spotty cheeky little runts into
good scaffolders over the years. Mind you it has put a few grey hairs on me
Ditto Phil, sent a young gun on to a site himself the last couple of weeks just to move hoppers and the like, came off the boat on Friday with a swagger that would make you think he was still on it n a force 10.:eek:
Ditto Phil, sent a young gun on to a site himself the last couple of weeks just to move hoppers and the like, came off the boat on Friday with a swagger that would make you think he was still on it n a force 10.:eek:

hahahahahahaha don johnson miami vice lmfao
Thats exactly what they need aom when there aint no one there to help them and they have to make a decisioned for themselves they realise just how much they do know.
I had a row with my son whos 18 now , he told me i teach him nothing and all he does is donkey work , so i sat him down and asked him a load of questions which he could answer no problem , he supprised him self what he did know , then i throw him straight back in the chain getting long up hahahahahahahaha
That's exactly why he is there Phill, to get away from us for a few weeks before he goes back to college for his final assessment. As for your youngfla, tell him he has my every sympathy.:eek:
Truth is aom he has been around scaffolding since he could stand always down the yard
fu cking about he used to love Saturdays in the cafe with the boys when he was 10 and he
will be a good scaffolder in time i test him all the time make him do things then point out why its wrong or sometimes right , it is the way i have taught all my lads, i tell them go to the CITB shut your mouth and do as your told and learn the basics then i will show you how to use what you know to suit the situation we are in.
Phill, my exact same method buddy, I alway's say you don't drive your motor the way you drove it to pass your test, the citb is teaching them how to pass an assessment I am teaching them how to put scaffolds up for commercial gain.
Just like my laddie who works with me, fleeing aboot like a bluearsed fly, ffs i say, give me a kit list to pass up, that knocks the wind oot his sails, especially when i say " if your short, climb down and get the **** yerself.

I used to be the same though at 26, such a short life, innit?;)
There's a cocky fcuker on the site where I am that say's he is a Advanced Basic !
The lad's torture the daft t w a t !!!!!
haha, advanced basic, you have to laugh.:laugh:
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