Is this what things are coming too


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Oct 30, 2010
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Back in the saddle
IT was the letter which could have saved his life.

But Jamie Mooney never found out he had been offered the job interview he had been so desperate for.

After countless failed job attempts, the 18-year-old took his own life on a railway line just hours before the letter arrived at his home in Saltwell Place, Bensham, Gateshead offering him an employment chance.

Today, his heartbroken family told how Jamie, known as Slim or Butterbean to his mates, was trying to turn his life around.

“I just don’t understand why he did it,” said his mam, Joan. “He gave me a kiss, told me he loved me, and went out. The next thing the police were knocking on the door saying they had found him on the railway.

“We’d had our arguments, but I loved Jamie to bits. We had a house fire in January and he kept telling me not to worry, everything would come round and be good again.”

Jamie had been released from Deerbolt Young Offenders’ Institute last November after serving a sentence for assault. He had also served time in Castington Young Offenders’ Institute for being drunk and disorderly.

But as his 19th birthday approached, he vowed to turn his back on his teen tearaway habits and make something of his life.

“As a teenager, he had got into trouble like a lot of lads do,” said his big sister Maggie Maxwell, 24.

“He got in with the wrong crowd, and when he went out drinking he would get angry and aggressive. But he had finally realised that was the problem.

“Jamie was determined to turn himself around. He had realised that getting into trouble wasn’t the way he wanted to live his life, and he had sworn that he would never go back to jail.

So sad and such a waste of a life RIP
Life is precious, if only they knew at that age. May he RIP.
Poor lad if only he could of held on for one more day! suicides a permanent solution to a temporary problem. RIP!
If anyone on here knows the young lads family, perhaps you might pass this on.

It's hard to understand it,
The dreaded cruelest words,
The sharpest blade that cuts so deep.
Like your heart's hit with a sword.

It's hard to come to terms with it,
To understand the act.
But none of us can cast a stone,
Because no one is perfect.

So judge them not, for how they died,


I have given you back, God knows t'was not easy,
As I gazed at your picture, my legs were unsteady,
This was a hard task, which was put onto me,
But I summoned the strenght, to let you go free.

Three years it has taken, to bid you farewell,
In those months and years, my living was hell,
I called out your name, as each day began,
Existence was hard, I needed you son,

I guess I will never know why you did go,
But God knows you took a part of me too,
Take care of that chip, it's a part of my heart,
T'is our secret connection, whilst we are apart,

As I looked at your eyes in that picture frame,
It tore me apart just to mention your name,
I told you I loved you, but for you as for me,
I knew it was time to let you go free,

So goodbye little fellow, thanks for the years,
Which we spent together in laughter and tears,
Your memory is precious, it always will be,
But your spirit my child I have to set free.

But try to forgive them,
For the pain they've left behind.

With those that have to live their lives,
Without the one that's gone,
It is mighty hard to bear,
The pain of such a tragedy,
Is difficult to share.

So try to focus on their lives,
The good they done on earth,
The joy they gave, the love they got,
From the ones that gave them birth.

Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault,
Cause guilt it can destroy,
Many questions will be asked,
But the key word will be "Why"
Answers they will seldom come,
Even if they've left a note,

Who knows the workings of the mind,
They must have felt distraught,
So trust in God to ease your pain,
He'll be there by your side,
He knows the pain, the tortured loss,
That comes with Suicide.
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