Is rumour true?


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Jul 27, 2011
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Have Linden bought Benchmark is rumour true??
I dont believe so.

Ive heard that the man/company/consortium or whatever that owns the Little Chef chain of restaurants and Frey Bentos Pies has bought them or invested a large sum of money to wipe out Benchmarks debts.

They wiped out about £3million worth of bad debt or so im told.
Im more then likely wrong though, lol.
sounds like a venture capilist firm, chances are bench mark will be assett stripped and flogged off in pieces. It,s shame they used to be a good firm and have done some quality jobs in the past!
All rumours are deemed to be true :cheesy:

untill refuted time and time again, or a law suit is taken out :sick:
Rumour I've heard is that they have gone bust owing the tax man many millions,not sure about other suppliers yet. This means they will definitely be kicked out of NASC as this happened to NSG in liverpool
nasc is definalty a company scaff's can do with out anyway they are killing the trade with the help of the health and saftey.
nasc is definalty a company scaff's can do with out anyway they are killing the trade with the help of the health and saftey.

we need a little bit of common sence on health and safety but!!! as steveo said its gone fooking stupid if we all worked to the book on scaffolding nothing would get done glad we all are working to these harsh conditions:laugh:
sounds like a venture capilist firm, chances are bench mark will be assett stripped and flogged off in pieces. It,s shame they used to be a good firm and have done some quality jobs in the past!

:laugh:Maybe they'll sell all the gear to Mcdonalds and turn the tube into burgers too
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