Is it really worth it.


Dec 5, 2010
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Hi all ,i have always been employed and paid heavy taxes etc as paye,
got laid off a christmas,looking for work every day like the rest of offered 2 days work last week through an agency did the work ,then told i had to be cis sterling registered,to be able to get paid for the 2 days work ,
my question is ,to have to be registered with the inland revenue as self employed just to get 2 days work and then nothing from the agency is doing my head in.
Any advice with my headache will be brill ,
Dljn, To my way of thinking its a scam and I think the revenue should look close at this practise that forces people to go self employed. I'm not an expert on taxation law but maybe Better Tax who are quite helpful with advice on the forum might pick up on the post and advise.
thanks for that brandy ,i have started to think im going off my head over all this.
yes i did better tax,and yes if i was getting regular work through the agency it would be in my best interests to be self employed,but i was only told about the cis sterling after i had done a days work.yes i had beeen on the phone to inland revenue to register but what i am asking is it worth it just to get 2 days pay,
i wouldnt bother working for 2 days , if you havnt worked since christmas surely your claiming benfits . wouldnt 2 days fook this up . is it worth getting caught out if you didnt sign off .
Alan's right there, thats the snag and its not in favour of the worker.
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