is it me


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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north east
is it just me .i sometimes think teeside talks sht. posts **** jobs and false info.
you got to give him credit for finding them, but a lot of them are s**t.
well thats a shock, i thought he was a ( here we go lads)


Whats wrong with Butchers like? my Grans Nephew once shagged a bird who's Penpal in Birmingham , lived across the road from a woman who once knew a fully carded CISRS scaffolder, who sold the best 3 legged Haggis and Jellied EEl sarnies this side of Watford.
was she called helen coz i think i know her.

Nah mate, Helen lived next door at no 54, the one with the dirty curtains, and the Alvin Stardust poster on the wall.

However, back to the Butcher, i am not going to' MINCE' my words, Henry became a Butcher, after they stopped accepting ECITB cards, Henry thought i am getting the 'Chop' here, these ***** couldnt give a 'Sausage' if i work or not.

Henry thought, why dont i bRISKIT, i dont need that much training to be a Butcher. Henry was no Chicken portions of his squad were though. He had no Beef with the Management, but could not put up with the Tripe any longer............Finish this story then?????:D
I would' Steak' my reputation, the current system cuts no 'mustard' with us guys, Somebody, is accountable for this ...... Probably lying somewhere, 'Bacon' in the sunshine. Cheeky 'Burgers' even want us to train again.
Well paddy did he choose to become a butcher or did he get the "chop"s..probably his boss by the name of "sir loin" was "fish" ing around and caught him wiv his "sausage" in-between the secretary's "chicken" thighs...
yes mate it is just you and any body else who takes the mic out of any body who trys to help his fellow man if he find info and passes it on well good on him if its bad info then tell peaple if its bad and why arnt the moderators putting a stop to certain individuals picking on other members and yes as soon as you publicly try to belittle another member you are picking on then if you whant to slag some one of thats what private messaging is for personally i come on hear to learn new and relavant thing that are happening within the industry if the moderators continue to let these individuals carry on soon there whont be a forum because gentlmen most of who find the forum come looking for work and advice not belittlement
yes mate it is just you and any body else who takes the mic out of any body who trys to help his fellow man if he find info and passes it on well good on him if its bad info then tell peaple if its bad and why arnt the moderators putting a stop to certain individuals picking on other members and yes as soon as you publicly try to belittle another member you are picking on then if you whant to slag some one of thats what private messaging is for personally i come on hear to learn new and relavant thing that are happening within the industry if the moderators continue to let these individuals carry on soon there whont be a forum because gentlmen most of who find the forum come looking for work and advice not belittlement

Fair dues mate, However, i have never belittled any poster on here, If you read the original thread, and from there my 'Posts' you will see i am trying to take the 'Sting out the Tail' of the original thread, while, being Neutrel on the Consensus.

My aim with the best intention was to , hijack this thread, and promote it more for a pi55take, rather than go into 'Moderator mode' I have tried to adopt the diplomatic approach, and of course, this leads to healthy debate.

Teeside scaffolder, is one of my Forum Buddies, as well as my other 147 forum members.

If you think i have offended, anyone, fair dues, just 'Fook off' then, no only kidding, any Input appreciated.


P.S Regional Humour, can be Mis-leading:D:D:D
totaly respect how diplomatic you were being now that ive viewed the full thread :embarrest:but the first few threads were a bit hard on teesside us teesside lads got to stick together :) but there are no bad posts just like there is no ugly women some one will allways find them usefull:)
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