As long as the tube is straightened using a cold rolled process, i.e no heat involved the tube will not be weakened, the severity of bend which can and cannot be straightened safely is like many things down to experience, if a tube to severely bent is put into a reeling machine the tube will become jammed, and/or the tube will become deformed ever so slightly. All tubes to severley bent or showing any signs of damage should have the damaged section of tube cut out and removed prior to straightening.
there is an argument that if a tube was continually bent and then straightened in the exact same place over and over again it would become weakened, in reality if this did happen the weakness would be revealed during the straightening process as the tube would break due to the stresses put in it during straightening, we had this several years ago when some poorly manufactured tube found its way into the British market, and by straightening the tube we were able to isolate the the poor quality tube for our customers.