Information site.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
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I have started building a web site to cover the basics of scaffolding and to make it easier to find a scaffolding company. It started about 5 months ago when i was looking for information on something and could not find it. So me being me decided to have a site made where information can be down loaded free for anyone that needs it. The hope being that i will colate enough information to cover most topics.
The problem is that all the information is on the internet somewhere but it takes ages to track it down.
If anyone has anything that they think could be usefull please send it or contact me on
Many thanks.
The site will not have a forum so will not be in anyway competing with this excellent site.
A generic design for beams with a couple of lifts on it and a few downloadable things like that would be ideal to solve a lot of problems for the lads on this site max
good idea max good luck
method statements,
risk assesments,
loading lists,
inspection register,
ppe register,
tagging register,
loading bay design,
a lot of small firms may want this sort of stuff
A few ideas gents.
now has anyone got anything slighty different that would be of use to other scaffolding companys?
if so could they send them to :
Even if they are not sure if it would be usefull to anyone.
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