If all else fails use an energy drink can instead of a butt!!!!

if you didnt see it you wouldnt believe it thats got to be a wind up ha ha ha!!!!!
as long as the can hasnt been opened its as good as galvi,so im lead to beleive.
i have seen red bull used instead of ladders
because it gives you wings.might even sort the sg whatever it is now as well
has anyone noticed the fitting isnt done up on the can? not enough thread past the bolt ofr it to be showing. show me a hemp or a ledger on it and i'll believe it.
If it's irun brew its good and strong, aren't they made out of steel girders?
Its Irn Bru, and yes it's made from girders.:noworry:
of course its a noise up,maybe they should concentrate on putting the job up instead of fecking about with their stupid phones.
thats the reason the games fecked
Not me Blueberry, only carried cans of Carlsberg strong brew for emergencys like that . My full work kit consisted of Dunlop green flash, string, podger and 4 cans a day
Dint know Carlsberg made bloody marys bouffant!!

When i was a nipper thats how we started out. while you northern scaffs went for tea we down south had Carlsberg strongbrew for ours . As i say in them days scaffs where scaffs not like you northern nonces of now days
Careful, I drank 2 litres a day for about 15 years. I'm as tough as old boots now but the stomach has gone.:(

I went through 2 litres today, it'll be the norm while the weathers a bit warmer. I'll get bored and move onto something else in a couple of months.
When i was a nipper thats how we started out. while you northern scaffs went for tea we down south had Carlsberg strongbrew for ours . As i say in them days scaffs where scaffs not like you northern nonces of now days
Heard ducks fart underwater before bouffant!!
As every self respecting northerner knows southern beer is watered down p*ss,daresay I could take Me 3 yr old grandson on a session down there n not ave to worry about carryin Him home.
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