i,ve just joined.


Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
hello to everyone who,s involved in scaffolding, i love my job and would,nt want to do any thing else.
Hi Scaftag and Welcome To The Scaffolders Forum!

Best Regards

SF Admin
Hi and welcome

Hi Scaftag

Glad to see you still enjoy the job.

Have my good and bad days, but overall scaffolding has been good to me.

All the best and welcome to the forum

Chris Eng:)
hi scafftag,like the name. same ere,on this,all new 2 me too. l love my job too,has it's gud days nd sum bad one's 2,but wudn't do owt else
hi scafftag,like the name. same ere,on this,all new 2 me too. l love my job too,has it's gud days nd sum bad one's 2,but wudn't do owt else

welcome to being the scum of the earth.... You are now officially the lowest of the lowest on a building site ...... now if i can offer advice JOIN THE SCCR NEXT WEEK ON HERE>>............... ITS YOUR FUTURE........
Hi Scaftag

Hello and Welcome to the Forum, I noticed you joined a few months back and im catching up, thanks.

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