I aint gonna change...Got it??


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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I gave a bit of thought to all this new legislation and so called regulation of our industry.And you know what they ain't got a chance with us load cos they for one don't understand us.When I was a kid my nick name at SGB was the animal,simply cos i couldn't care less.I could drink,fight,play up and graft with the best of em and thats the life I chose.Scaffolding gave you the freedom and the couldn't give a f---k attitude that made me stand out from the crowd.I always got the job done,never took no **** and never got laid off.The old school are a rare breed and there aint no way in this world that some tosser in a suit that couldn't even climb a ladder is gonna tell me that for the last 30 years iv'e been doin it wrong...Oi Fucko...Kiss my arse...
Big hard renigade hiding behind a made up name.Use your real Fuckin name then hard boy.
He's started two threads now saying basically the same thing Dean, the pub must of kicked out early this afternoon :D.
lol your entitled to your opinion moanalot fair point but sadly we must move with the times mate.
change is unavoidable moanalot , i remember when we didnt have to wear hard hats and steel toe cap boots ,when Harnesses came into force lots of the lads moaned their ******** of about them,now we just wear them.
You gotta change with the times or get out of the game the "old school" drink it , **** it, or fight it days are gone forever mate , scaffolders are still scaffolders and always will be , we are a special breed and i for one am proud to be a scaffolder :)
change is unavoidable moanalot , i remember when we didnt have to wear hard hats and steel toe cap boots ,when Harnesses came into force lots of the lads moaned their ******** of about them,now we just wear them.
You gotta change with the times or get out of the game the "old school" drink it , **** it, or fight it days are gone forever mate , scaffolders are still scaffolders and always will be , we are a special breed and i for one am proud to be a scaffolder :)
your right there.
What ever...

You know what this aint about being a tough guy or whatever its all about just rolling over and doing as we are told...If no one is prepared to fight for what is right and common sense god help ya...Read up on the nazi's and their take on things...we are all fighting for the same thing...I have ran my own firm now for 10 years and am sick of ***** telling me I don't know what ime doing.We are a soft target...
we have more power than we think,if we all decided to have a month off work,the whole nation would have to listen to us,but alas we need money for our way of life,and we would not do it,we should stick together like the french do,but maggy thatcher brought in laws stopping us from having a march against what we want,(unless we ask for permission to do so)the march is illegal,and the police have power to hit us with a truncheon as hard as they like.
manalot you have made one of the most pertinent points i have read on here in some time,we have taken loads on the chin and done nowt so now we are being bludgeoned now,fair point mate we are the easy target.

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

numnuts your refering to the anti union laws,and the cjb.your correct mate we cant have an unannounced gathering or more than 4people after that its classed as a rabble,eloquently delt with by the good old riot bobby.13years of labour goverment and there was no repealment of any these acts by labour that tells you what you need to know about the top echelons of trade unionism.
That's an intelligent reply for a moderator...Thanks....
so when did you just decide to roll over and accept every stupid new rule that creates more problems than it solves.I was trained by the best thats gotta count for something...Right...
yeh i know what your saying

the thing i have found with scaffolders is no one sticks together

there is always some one who will do it cheaper, work harder / longer or what ever
unfortunately theyve got us by the balls with the economic climate the way it is who can afford to challenge the system if you wont work to reccomendations and giudelines there will always be someone that will
Brother we are our own worst enemies....And now we have goons who know nothing about our trade telling us we are doing it wrong...And we listen to em...Me shakes head...
so when did you just decide to roll over and accept every stupid new rule that creates more problems than it solves.I was trained by the best thats gotta count for something...Right...

Depends what new legislation your talking about as per your original post

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 ? legislation explained
The Work at Height Regulations 2005
TG20:08 Technical Scaffolding Guidance on the use of BS EN12811-1

Because all the above have been about for a while now, so what new legislation is giving you so much grief
The basic rules of a tied independant scaffold are not difficult for a citb trained scaffolder to understand but when you get some tosser from Taylor Wimpey telling you to "do it this way cos thats the Taylor Wimpy way" or some woman from the HSE saying "I want it done this way" we end up in a situation where everyone wants the scaffold put up in a different way or Bye Bye on the next job...It just gets my goat up...Groundworkers,Bricklayers,Roofers,Plumbers etc all do their thing as standard where we have to do as we're told at no extra cost...This game is hard enough...blah blah blah...
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