HSE cost recovery


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
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Was just wondering if most of you know this comes into action on april 6 ?
It's been mentioned Carl. Some likened it to privatisation.:confused:
Got the document but not read it yet! Just glanced at it.
Firms or even individuals will be charged expenses for any investigation costs incurred by hse for bringing a prosecution against them.
Well, that's the fear but who knows?
Bloody hell
Another little incentive, or you get an extra hard shafting !
And as one of my old gaffers used to say -

" I dont like being fkin shafted !" lol
1 Inspection with no action taken = no costs will be recovered.
2 Inspection which results in a letter = Approximately £750.
3 Inspection that results in an enforcement notice = Approximately £1500.
4 Investigations = Ranging from approximately £750 through to several thousands of pounds to, in extreme cases, tens of thousands of pounds.:eek:
It depends how you look at it and also how the hse handle it as well. Why should we all pay through taxation for the undisputed number of constant law breakers in our trade? The dangers are obvious though.
We will still have to pay the tax anyway.
It's extra revenue, should hopefully help curtail the cowboys but as you say could be a mine field.
What's the bet all of a sudden there will be lots of H&S execs going around where at the moment nothing much seems to be being done.
Not by the looks of some of the absolute ***** I see round and about up here anyway
That is the danger. The tax still has to be paid but I for one would rather see it going elsewhere than dealing with the fly by nights.
1 Inspection with no action taken = no costs will be recovered.
2 Inspection which results in a letter = Approximately £750.
3 Inspection that results in an enforcement notice = Approximately £1500.
4 Investigations = Ranging from approximately £750 through to several thousands of pounds to, in extreme cases, tens of thousands of pounds.:eek:

If they become Privatised - expect ALOT of the latter numbers happening and almost no '1s'.

Unless they get an increase in the already numerous Brown Envelopes they already must be getting, i can see them making things very very hard for the Scaffolding Firms.
Seen a few now and never had any problems, touch wood. Maybe just be grateful there are so many cowboy's about as it keeps them off my back.:idea:
hi its polecat those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear lets get rid of mickey mouse firms and leaners and get wages to back what they should be within reason we are double dipped like a greasy egg lol mate

live today like your from bradford or tottenham because your losers
Hi its Polecat.

I never would have guessed that... :rolleyes:


Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear lets get rid of mickey mouse firms and leaners and get wages to back what they should be within reason we are double dipped like a greasy egg lol mate.

I agree upto a point, but i dont think its anything to do with the Cowboy Firms why our wages are so low compared to other trades, its to do with us not being recognised as a trade, which the NASC are happy to let continue, because the very Firms heading it are the very ones who pay our wages and the very same Firms who would lose ALOT of money, if they had to pay us what we should be getting.

We should be far far higher paid then other trades, for no other reason then most trades cant do a stroke, without some kind of involvement from Scaffolders, whether it be in the form of Handrails or Hangers.

Live today like your from bradford or tottenham because your losers.

I have NO CLUE to what this means.

Anyway, hopefully AOM mate, they wont bother you too much in the future - If we're lucky, they will bother the REAL problem - the NASC members, who are the biggest 2-faced f.uckers in the world.

Those are the ones who preach 'Safety this and Safety that' whilst doing the littlest possible to actually adhere to their own rules.

Perfect example: Monday, Heathrow T2, contractor was Laing O'Rourke. I asked the question: "Can i use my own Harness?" to which i was told: "No, we supply you ours for Insurance purposes."

I thought, fair enough... only to find out that there were NONE left, so i ended up having to wear my own anyway.

(I know that Laings probably aint in the NASC, but its the so-called 'Big-boys' who are the absolute worst.)

But, i feel that the HSE becoming privatised wont end well. :worried:
Got To Agree With You Jason, Any Privatisation Of A Body Like The Hse Really Is Bad News For Everyone, Forget The Fly By Nights And Cowboys They Will Come After Soft Targets And Easy Money. Self Funding My Arse Private Profit Morelike.
The privatisation of any thing is bad news very bad news
(of subject but these acadamy school getting nocked up are run by private bodies they woulden run them if there was nothing in if for them....... There is profit(not as much as southernproffer scaff or aom and the likes :d)but there is profit for them thell take it and more cuts to the serivce they offer to make this profit kids are going to hae nothing in 10 -15 years)
there on a par with parking wardens atm if they do get privatisation thell be worse ow lets see i need to make the hse board 2,000 this week to get me bonus ill so and follow the scaff wagon its comign thell be here there and every were hiding in bushes climbin to the talles tower to get a shot of you coz if they done catch you they wont be and hse left if self funded ow well were fukd
Hi Gents,

HSE isn't becoming privatised - the Fee For Intervention becomes live on 6th April.

The rationale behind is that if you are getting it right there will be no cost. As soon as the inspector finds what in his opinion is a "material breach" that involves taking action then the clock will start running from when he turned up on site. There will be no intervention fees for "technical breaches"

The costs quoted earlier are, by and large what HSE estimate them to be, dependent on the level of intervention required by HSE to put the problem right. The actual rate is based on £124.00 per hour (this was reduced from £133.00 per hour after consultation) - before anyone asks, inspectors don't get paid anything like £124.00 per hour - it is meant to include things like mileage and admin support costs.

If you are on a major contractors site the cost is likely to be split between the PC and the sub contractor on the basis of the amount of time that the inspector spends dealing with specific problems caused by each party.

HSE does have some real concerns that this will change the nature of the relationship between HSE and duty holders (which is on the whole quite good) - and privately many inspectors are not in favour of it - however the decision was a political one made at the highest levels of the DWP - HSE's parent ministry - and HSE is under pressure to make it work. The alternative is a serious loss of jobs - HSE has had it's budget cut by 1/3 and does not want to get rid of inspectors/other staff.

HSE is trying to focus on the cowboy firms - they know that they are out there, the problem is catching them in the act. An inspector can reallistically only act on what they see.

If you are getting it right then this won't cause you any problem.

Hope this helps - all the best

Otto :cool:
Wotcher Otto, Just A Quick Question For You Buddy, How Does The Hse Define A Cowboy Outfit? Is It Someone Who Isnt A Member Of The Nasc Or Someone Who Isnt Working To Sg 4/256 Or What? Because There Are A Lot Of One Man Bands Like Me Who Are Carded Insured, And 100% Legal And Who Do Work Safely, Im Always Suspicious Of Regulations Especially Private Regulations. Iv Heard The Balltwaddle Of Nothing To Hide Nothing To Fear For Years If Its Left To Individual Inspectors It Depends On There Definition And Therefore Not Good Enough, I Do Not Have Either The Nasc To Hide Behind Or The Financial Clout To Fight Any Ruling. So In Effect Im A Soft Target.
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