How many scaffolders on here!!



I set up the SCCR with the help of the forum to help scaffolders!!

Have I done the right thing?

nearly 6000 on the forum yet not a large percentage are members of the SCCR!

How many Scaffs & how many nosy ones? Two people a day log in details to join but go no further. Is something wrong?

I believe in what we are doing thats why I have backed it financially & by spending 4 to 5 hours a day working on it.

Yet is it going in the right direction. Need feed back!!!!

If its not needed I can get on with cutting wood & watching telly.

the way its going on here mate you ll soon have more members on the sccr than on the forum . 2 top members gone ,pictures removed and posts edited ,seems everythings going t!ts up
stick with it ragscaff i for one loves this site all tho i dont reply often and as far as sccr concerned its going the right way like most scaffs we have other things on our mind i will try this weekend to join ok us scaffs with a passian should stick together good work
Stewart mate

This is not just a SCCR thing, Human nature in itself being related to a individual, is as history has and currently being portrayed as what may start as a trickle could by a consensus be deemed as the way forward.

Why sit on the fence, may i ask ? many reasons i suppose, however, we have the right to Free speech.

There will be no clandestine forces, knocking on your door tonight and whisking you away, never to be seen again, for saying " The NASC is Sh1t"

Some guys like to Nail their colours to the mast, like the so- called Rebels in Libya, Freedom fighters would be my words of choice.

The Consensus, is we want and need current change, regarding our Industry.
Have the Unions involved us in any Consultation practices ?

Do you want to view your Strengths and Weaknesses, that you feel should be addressed?

Do you want to be represented by the Guys off the Coalface, who speak and curse the same as you. Doing it for you free of Payment.

If you do, Join the SCCR, if we all sing from the same Hymn sheet, we will be heard, as we are already being listened too.

Paddy Carr
Vice Chair SCCR
very poetic tonight paddy , lack of nicotine mate

Have one of those Inhalator things, rubbish mate. At graft not a prob, just heed doon arse up and crack on.

Only time i think of Tabs is when i stop doing something.

Anyway i digress, guys this isnt a secret cult or summit where every Tom D1ck and Harriet will know you are trying to gain a Scaffolder Coup, of the powers to be.

The Sccr wants to work with the Providers and Enforcement agencies. However, we want the right to be Consulted,and invited to any meetings,regarding changes in Scaffolding Regs,ACOP,s and Guidance notes.

In a nutshell, We have the 'Right to be consulted'.
I set up the SCCR with the help of the forum to help scaffolders!!

Have I done the right thing?

nearly 6000 on the forum yet not a large percentage are members of the SCCR!

How many Scaffs & how many nosy ones? Two people a day log in details to join but go no further. Is something wrong?

I believe in what we are doing thats why I have backed it financially & by spending 4 to 5 hours a day working on it.

Yet is it going in the right direction. Need feed back!!!!

If its not needed I can get on with cutting wood & watching telly.


keep it going mate weve had enough of laurel and hardee running our industry its a joke come to think of it they look like laurel and hardee.:laugh:
I took forever to join after my initial inquirie due to being half canned and too lazy to fill out the form,due to your help and i eventually got round to joining through the sccr site.
the aims of the group are what we have all been crying out for,for too long we have been classed as a semi skilled occupation.i for one went out on strike several times at the uie yard in clydebank to get tradesmens rates and here we are 13 years later still fighting the same battle.
Ever since I read about the SCCR on the forum and particulary the ECITB lads getting shafted I agreed with the aims of the SCCR. I did'nt think I would be eligible to join as I'm not UK based, But Ragscaff has assured me I can and I'm delighted to join. My cheque for membership is in the post as I write.
Don't worry mate it just takes time for the word to get out but it will happen.
Ordered a t-shirt mate but can't remember how long it said for delivery ?
Ragscaff, I'm sure SF admin could pm or email everyone who is a member to let you know if they are a Scaff or not. You could ask 2 questions:

Card number and what level?

This involves no ID or data protection as they are voluntarily supplying it. I have no problem supplying mine. You could go deeper and say CITB or Ecitb.


---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

No problem supplying mine either. :)

What is a tenner worth to you all, not alot these days, but to the SCCR for a whole years membership, its worth a whole lot more, to a up and coming voice for our industry, are you not fed up with all the red tape and bulls**t we have had to endure over the last few years, which we wouldnt have had to do, if we had someone like the SCCR in place at the time, they are moving in the right direction, they are being listened to by the HSE and other organisations, they have had meetings, all the time Stewart (Ragscaff) and the other committee members give up is there own free time, your tenner only covers expenses, not like all the fat cat unions, that travel first class, stay in top class hotels, this is a golden opportunity to have a say, do not waste this chance, the more people,the more of a voice.:cool:

No good sat in the pub, slagging off some suit, for making your job, sometimes near impossible to do, when you couldnt be bothered to do something bout it,:mad:

SCCR Membership number IM00005 :blink1:
I like a lot of the other guys have received the application form, but haven't sent it back. Once I get into the office it seems as if I have a million things to do, but i think you chaps are doing a great service for the industry and individual scaffolders so first order of the day on Monday will be to send the form back to Stuart & Co. Your doing a great job lads. Thanks.
If i join sccr what will be different Will you be able to stop the safety men picking on scaffolders the easy target Will you be able to stop the site agents thretening to red card you because you pulled the tag on a scaffolder that his mate has made unsafe Will you be a voice for scaffolders Prime example a safety man asked what i thought of the step system i pointed out to him that it is now unsafe to work on step ladders inside but is now safe to word 50ft up in the air on one olso that its against manual handeling to over streach because no matter the lift height its always a 2 meters stretch standing on a step ladder to put the next handrail in I got pulled to one side and told to stop arguing with a safety man Let me ask you Are you going in to this to stop unexperianced peaple making up stupid legislation that in the long run will ruin our health IF THIS IS SO THEN IME DEFFINETLY INTERESTED Sorry for the rant but ime getting sick of the fu&(s making the rules up as they go along Olso open a summer sckool to help me with my spelling
If i join sccr what will be different Will you be able to stop the safety men picking on scaffolders the easy target Will you be able to stop the site agents thretening to red card you because you pulled the tag on a scaffolder that his mate has made unsafe Will you be a voice for scaffolders Prime example a safety man asked what i thought of the step system i pointed out to him that it is now unsafe to work on step ladders inside but is now safe to word 50ft up in the air on one olso that its against manual handeling to over streach because no matter the lift height its always a 2 meters stretch standing on a step ladder to put the next handrail in I got pulled to one side and told to stop arguing with a safety man Let me ask you Are you going in to this to stop unexperianced peaple making up stupid legislation that in the long run will ruin our health IF THIS IS SO THEN IME DEFFINETLY INTERESTED Sorry for the rant but ime getting sick of the fu&(s making the rules up as they go along Olso open a summer sckool to help me with my spelling
Skooko Nasc & the working at heights regs 2005 brought about & championed the step, a safety man is there to ensure / monitor compliance on behalf of the scaff company or the main contractor, I know it is not possible (financially & timewise) but if all company's introduced the erection of meter lifts the step would be retired and scaffs would be better protected by their employers, only my opinion but having witnessed the meter lift procedure the process eradicates the step, ****** advanced guardrail and all other collective protection even the harness.:bigsmile:
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