How do you get banned from here?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
Near Sunny Great Yarmouth
Online now and was looking at who was here. I noticed someone veiwing the site had banned where there SF member status would be. Now my question is what the hell did someone do to offend a scaffolder that much they got banned? I mean we arent exactly the most easily offended people in the world are we?
Easiest way is to break the forum rules :D

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scaffy must be close :D
Members are only banned for serious breaches of these rules, so don't worry too much!
This is someone else post from anouther thread on how people got in to doing scaffolding.
He got banned. But I thought it was funny if you do it with a Borat voice. LOL

The Scaffolding saga


I started as number 1 floor polisher in all of Croatia. I was working for my uncles
company which is very well known in the old country, he also has another company called "we Polish Your Pole", which my sister works for, you know the boom boom.

I then got asked to take word of our great polishing skillz that killz to Kangaroo land, and also my sister, you know for the boom boom.
So we were stow aways on the first Iron Ore Carrier going to Dampier.
We hid in the engine room and ate each others scabs, sometimes I sneak onto deck at night to keep my floor polishing skillz that killz tight,
and my sister, well......she was good for boom boom.

We arrived into Dampier where we snuck off the ship and went inland to meet the business partner who wanted to checks out our skillz that killz. His name was Nigel, no bigger than a 1.8 pole with a few doubles tied to it, he was not to interested in my skillz that killz which I had bought over from the old country, but luckily my sista apparently had the skillz that killz.

Nigel told me that I needed to go through law, i didn't know what this meant, but i went with him anyway, my sister stayed with the tribe, to give them boom boom. Nigel show me ways to access heights with these things called
poles and fittings, and a blunt rock .
I trained streniously for 3 days and 4 nights.

He then introduced me to his chief, "R2D2", who then used the blunt rock to peel my prick back, with this finall sacrifice, I was then given my advanced
scaffolders ticket.

I came back to the billage where my sister was perfoming the seagull trick, which is an old tradition back home amongst family. I told her of my new learnings and how i use B's instead of V's and bisa bersa. I said of my great incounter with R2D2 the scaffold guru and how my new mission was to find work amongst Ozzie skippies and make my way to the top with the big dawgs
offshore, zoom zoom......

not my post SF (incase I get banned)
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Think after about 20 post's of a new member joining
most of the members on here form an opinion of who the guy is and his intentions when joining the Forum,But as this is t'internet we can be way off the mark with our assumtions

I may be wrong but I think most of the banned users had only joined to cause as much havoc as possible and had only posted a few times.This is common on all free web-sites

The Scaffolders Forum is far to professional to let the rantings of a few child like people spoil it for the rest, and big enough to let members have a rant and blow off now and again if they are sincere in their postings
If someone joined and chose their avator BANNED 1. and posted their first, Hi, fellow scaffs new here. Would Admin post, Banned 1 your barred.
Come back bobby, he was only kidding.:eek:
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