How do I get my cots form signed ?


Mar 10, 2017
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Hi lads

I've done my cots course but I can't get my card as it needs to be signed

I'm looking to go on as a trainee but will the fact I've done my cots course be enough to get on or will I need to have the actual card before hand?

I want to send it off but I can't unless it's signed by my employer but I don't have one at the minute

Didn't the training provider apply for your card when you done the COTS course?
or when you went did you have an employer, if not ring the training provider and ask them to sign it.
I've just sent a lad Simian and they did it all the for him. His card just come through the post to us. As above your training provider should have sorted this for you buddy! They even called us to ask if we wanted trainee scaffolder or labourer on the card!
Thanks i appreciate the advice

The only problem is I paid for it myself and was working just as a labourer for another company and I left without getting it signed so I've kind of messed up a bit really my hope is I'll get taken on by saying I've got my cots but not got the card
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