How are your fittings serviced?


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2010
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Hi all,

The first time I was allowed a spanner in my hand was to service the fittings, brushing the threads with 3-in-1. Now days a bucket of oil thrown over them in a stillage seems to be the done thing. How are yours maintained?
Are you having a laugh? Bucket of oil?
Those days long gone buddy, thought scaff-eeze/ simialr was the only thing allowed due to H+S and enviroment bollocky stuff
Not a joke spannerman, freshly sprayed tube and oil running everywhere.
Is it fresh oil or used, I presume you are talking normal engine oil.
Fresh oil mate. It is just the way the yard staff apply it to the fittings.
When I first started at Mill,s each and every fitting was run down to the end and back up again then a small dab of old engine oil was applied with a tiny brush to the thread.If the threads did not run freely the fittings were slung on another pile and the bolts replaced.
This was done when the THREE yard men had nothing left to do, or gangs were kept in the yard due to lack of work or bad behavoir (punishment block)
I know a firm that never services their fittings, the yard manager just shunts them from site to site on the demountable beds and should they go back to the yard some halfwit throws a bucket of diesel on them and out they go again.
They lose hundreds of fittings a year because the boys just chuck the ones that don't work.
And yes I know about the effects of diesel on human skin.
sgb years ago hired a cement mixer which done loads, probably find that someone wanted a mixer at home for the weekend!!!

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------

dont forget the bucket of paint threw on after the bucket of oil pmsl.

then the 5 foot to smash them free :laugh:
We just spray each layer with releasing oil as there put in the bins whetever its needed or not, find it the best way, never get complaints.
Oh Rigger, yes the punishment block!! still brings tears to my eyes lol
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