Calculation of Holiday Entitlement
From 2010, the annual holiday entitlement under the CIJC Working Rule Agreement will remain 21
days of industry holidays plus 8 days of Public and Bank Holidays. However, the combined
entitlement of 29 days will now accrue in total on a week by week basis at the rate of 0.558 days per
week of service. These new arrangements commence on Monday 11 January 2010 which is the start
of the new holiday year.
Employee leaving during the year.
To calculate accrued holiday entitlement, it will be necessary to multiply how many weeks the
employee has been employed during the holiday year by 0.558. It is then necessary to calculate how
many days of paid holiday (annual, Public and Bank) the employee has received during the holiday
year. If the employee has been paid for less than the accrued entitlement, a payment in lieu of the
difference must be made with the final wage. However, if the employee has been paid for more
holidays than accrued, an appropriate deduction should be made from the final wage.
The provisions of the CIJC Working Rule Agreement provide that all holidays (annual, Public and
Bank) are paid at the same rate. Where the employee’s pay does not vary with the amount of work
done, a week’s pay is simply the normal weekly wage for the contractual weekly hours as defined by
the contract of employment. Where the employee’s pay varies with the amount of work done because
of piece work or other productivity bonus arrangements, a week’s pay is arrived at by calculating the
earnings during the normal working week as defined by the contract of employment, averaged over
the 12 complete weeks worked immediately prior to the holiday week. A day’s pay is calculated by
dividing the week’s pay as defined above by the number of hours in the normal week and multiplying it
by the normal hours in the particular day, both as defined by the contract of employment.
Public Holidays
All hours worked on a day designated as a Public Holiday shall be paid for at double time (WR 19.3).
An employee who has worked on a Public Holiday should be given another paid day’s holiday in lieu
and not paid holiday pay for the day worked. The day in lieu should be taken by agreement between
the employee and the employer.
Night Work and Shift Work
In the case of night work or shift work, it is customary for a holiday period to commence and finish at
the start of the shifts which include the midnight preceding or the midnight at the end of the holiday
period for normal day workers.