Hi Everyone, I'm a new member and look forward to contributing to the forum.

Ken Cain

Active member
Nov 2, 2010
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When I started work in 1959 some of the scaffolding being used was timber poles held together by wire bonds, and some of the ladders were knocked up out of bits of old timber.

If you had an accident at work the comments you received were "what do you expect, you should have got a proper job"

Too many people died back then from falling off the scaffolding, lots of things have improved since though, we've got Professional Training Courses, Risk Assessments, Safe Sytems of Work, Health and Safety at Work etc Act, Working at Height Regulations, Head Protection Regulations. Harnesses, British and European standards, HSE guidelines, NASC - TG's (Technical Guidance), SG's (Safety Guidance) and more besides, but unfortunately, we are still having fatal accidents and major injuries from working on defective scaffolding.

It's about time we done something positive, like raising the bar to another level, we are not alone in this fight, everyone of us is responsible for ensuring the workplace is safe, not only for ourselves, but for other users as well.

No more cutting corners. No more taking chances. Lets do it properly.

Of course many of you think the same way as I do, and yes most scaffolders and scaffold companies are getting it right, I think we just need to make sure that all the others are doing it right as well.


Ken Cain
hows it goin ken,your spot on there mate its taken along time to get this far regarding safety etc. we all no it getting better but a lot of people still need educating .safe scaffolding!!!!!!
Welcome Ken and good positive first post
Welcome Ken, Agree with your comments, Its not what we do, its the way we do it. Its all about attitude.
Totally agree with you Ken,Welcome also,Its just that the wages are going backwards nowadays for most of the fellas who,ve served there time doing it the hard way.Me thinks its a big cover up so the older fellas can,t claim for all the pain and agony,s they,ve concered over the years when all this h/s was,nt in place. ;)
Hi and Welcome To The Scaffolders Forum!

Best Regards

SF Admin
Thanks everyone, its good to receive your feedback.
Scaffolding is a great job, trouble is it gets harder as you get older, My poor old uncle Jack he worked until he dropped literally. he slipped and fell off the scaffolding on Clacton Pier that was in 1955. Uncle Jack was 77 years old at the time and of course the fall was too much for his body to take and it killed him. Since then everytime I hear of an accident I think of Uncle Jack and think we need to make it a safer workplace. I can't do it on my own, we all need pull together, get rid of the cowboys and get paid a bit more.
Ken Cain
Hi Ken its great that you joined. Thanks for the feedback with regards the module one.
hi mate,welcome in.on the other hand,why not educate everyone that uses a scaffold ,how to use one safely.they could bring in courses for brickies,carpenters,welders,painters,etc,etc,etc.to go on,then give them a card,saying they are educated.the course people would make millions.at the end of the day,its not scaffolders that fall off to often,its other trades people.and scaffolders are punished for others incompitance.
whole heartedly agree with you Ken. I think authorities should come down hard on mickey mouse firms. Loads down my way, keep driving past their jobs and seeing 8-10ft lifts on scaffolds to save gear, time etc. Single handrails, no ladder gates with afive foot gap in handrail for access. It gives everyone else a bad name. But the thing is, if I can see it why aren't HSE doing the same? It's rediculous and considering how much the industry has changed over the past few years why are they (HSE) not employing more people to police the changes. Lets face it, whenever I drive past a crap job, it's always got a sign board/ banner on it. Fine them heavily or shut the f***ers down. It's because of these monkeys working to such crap standards and producing sh** work that the rest of us with an ounce of pride have to suffer.

Ps. Sorry for the rant and welcome to the forum mate!
Thanks Swifty for your welcome comments, its good to know we are all working together.
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