heres a thought for ya


steve gregory

Why is it that theatrical areas of work including podiums and stages at height do not need guard rails when at the end of the day THIS IS A PLACE OF WORK wether your Take That or a Scaffolder... got wondering when Rebecca on xfactor was stood on that spinning podium with no guard rails no staircase for emergency and that massive long dress that if she had taken any steps in it she would have gone flying anyway..

where was the collective protection yet alone the personal protection.
Maybe its because we're deemed more useful than some of those airhead wanabee's who wont be remembered after their 15 minutes of fame. Though you could ask the same question about tight rope walkers, trapeeze artists, the ones that perform without safety nets, part of the job description.
how do they sign on the risk assessment and method statement then? this is a place of work..
how do they sign on the risk assessment and method statement then? this is a place of work..
Or showbiz,razamataz,illusionism,abracadabra and so on, F### what was the question again Steve ?, I'll play safe, Don't know.
we are an easy touch when it comes to screwing money out of people,they cant screw money out of cowell.
I find it funny when your seeing on telle the house building programs. Have a look at the scaffolding on there. Some times one hand rail,When you see a scaffolding firm banging up th work they have no hard hats no harness,and the working around and on loads of crap on the floor, Wood bricks ect every were. Ha only in the film industry.
good point Steve,but X Factor,it's so 3 years ago.They probably have done risk assessments,after all what about Eddie Kid or Lee Majors
haha not even Steve could write one for poor Susan.:D
Scaffold on telly is pathetic,did you see that a bit since on ITV,was some sort of trailer,fault city.
Susan Boyle,lol does she still sponser Sunderland.
I didn't want to say owt about susan Boyle. Wish I was a tenner behind her. It's alister who will have bought her album I would imagine. Lol.
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