
Not the best time of year, need to go talk face to face with companies local to you see if you can get a start.

Most agency work are looking for part 2 & advanced!!

Good luck.


welcome to the forum mate

Find all your local scaffold companies (yellow pages,google) then call on them at 6.30/7am at there yards,ask to speak with supervisor or contracts manager.

take along a short CV with your contact numbers, Email address and leave it with them.

If you dont get the start,tell the guy you will call again next week,If he replies "don't bother we are laying off"

reply "no bother I am always out my bed at 6am at the latest,and you may pick up more work by then"

be persistent, but polite and show your desire to learn the game,some form of transport is always an assett (even a pushbike or moped) as matching guys to jobs on a day to day basis is always a problem

check out our job section every day,and read the advice contained in the "stickies" at the top of the job section

Good luck in your search, I believe you will get a foot in the door,if you do as you did with your nick name G4RY,like the style

Keep us informed, we are interested how you got on

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------
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G4RY welcome to the forum mate, keep trying and something will crop up it generally does, good luck
hi gary i too are struggling for work at the moment but iam advanced and in central belt.rbg have took on a few trainees for offshore but theres pay offs everywhere best trying again next year and dont give up your first trip is always the hardestthen your foots in the door and for offshore you will need to do your mist training aswell. minimum industry safety training hope it helps you mate
Hello G4ry

Welcome to the forums & good luck!

Times are hard atm, but just keep ringing about and eventually you'll get a good few offers.
Good luck.
do you have a driving licence and car most companys like that then they can use you to run guys about,bit of a pain but it gets you going.
you may get lucky and get taken on for the dismantles that happen around now when firms want all the jobs down so they arent paying for the hire over christmas and the new year.
keep phoning and try to get a rapore going so they always remember you
best of luck
Alright Gaz, welcome to the forum. Good advice from the Forum as per usual especially from Rigger and to be honest I would find it hard to resist such an application even if I wasn't entirely sure if I had enough imminent work just in case I missed out on a good guy. We are only a tiny firm but have taken part 1 scaffolders on in the past so as long as your honest about your experience and ability you shouldn't be looking for too much longer. Good luck.
No funding left for adult's, a big glut of apprentice's has swallowed the lot.
Wrong time of year ...winter is renown for being slow and prob wont start pickin up till april on top of that they're talking of a 3rd dip to the reccession,so lots of companies are battening down their hatches.i'm affraid with you level of experiance , there are better crops to pic from. If you cant come south then my only advise for you would be to keep trying the phone but not only the big companies as the smaller ones may also need help on the odd days. As long as ur willing to travel and work hard you should find something. Maybe also worth getting your utr number just incase a bit of SE is offered.keep ur chin up & good luck

---------- Post added at 08:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

No funding left for adult's, a big glut of apprentice's has swallowed the lot.

Seems to only be funding up to 24 yrs old i got someone going to birmingham in january fully funded gor his A tckt
I just managed it myself SP but their opening bid was next June. There is a bit of a back log in Scotland at the moment with a steady stream heading down south but only to the NCC's down there they refuse to make use of the many private organisations already in place.

There was talk of one of the main players coming up here and setting up in a great location between Glasgow and Edinburgh but unfortunately it never came to pass.

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

I will need to check but don't think it lasts up to 24 up here, I have a pure machine of a boy around 22 I think who is already to old for an apprenticeship and we will have to go down the adult route.
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