Help starting up


Active member
May 12, 2011
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Hi lads thinking of starting up on my own so I'm after any advice possible. I'm based in south Wales. Thanks.
Hi Jones,

Not sure about regional differences but I guess the principle is the same where ever you are. Are you going in small with yourself on the spanners or big time America?
Only small for the time being and just see where it goes from there.
yeah got some good advice do not do it!!!! lol only joking

good luck with it all, not as easy as everyone thinks
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I know things would b tight for a bit but hopefully thing will get better but im not really sute where to start!
Well here goes, this won't suit all but it's what I would do again.

First thing is family life, if you have one be prepared to loose it at least for the first few years, if you don't have the backing of the Mrs forget it as if she is nipping your ear about having little or no cash it is going to be tough.

Secondly, where are you gong to store the gear? There maybe a few builders who would quite like a scaff on tap and may be willing to either give or charge a nominal fee for enough space to securely store your biggest asset.

Thirdly, how you going to shift the gear? It's no use building the tidiest jobs in town if you look like a pikey on the make. Get yourself a decent Wagon, pm Scaffy or Clarkey for tips in this regard.:cool: Your corporate identity is always important even if you are on your own, once people have made up their mind you are one thing it becomes really hard to change their mind so don't skimp on good ppe or allow the usual uncouth behaviour whilst working on the street.

Fourth, is there a demand for another scaff in your area or the area you intend to cover? A wee bit of market research goes a long way and it's amazing what you can get out of a company Director if you are willing to massage his ego a wee bit. It's there you will find out what grants are available in your area for new start up's.

Fith, don't scrimp on the gear either, it's the most important part of the whole thing, there is tons of second hand gear out there but most is of dubious origin and you may be asked to prove compliance one day. Far better going to a reputable supplier and getting second hand gear from them as they will have all certs required should the worst happen. Avoid hiring at all costs for at least a year, it has it's benefits but it's tough in the first year and the less cash you have to lay out monthly the more chance of survival you will have.

There is loads more but struggling to make sense of it myself at the moment.:embarrest:

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Sixth, that probably should have been first don't mess with the VAT man. The exact level I'm not sure maybe around 70k turn over and you will need to register but as your buying a load of gear it may be worth registering anyway depending on your ambitions. I would also recommend forming a Ltd company, might not be the most tax efficient way to get the cash into your pocket but you already know this is a high risk business and the Ltd could give you the protection you need.
Thanks alot aom very helpful, any tips for the best advertising and I cant get my head around pricing jobs?
The best info I have seen on here is a post by a user PW, you will need to search his posts as it was ages ago and I can't remember the thread but he described quite candidly what formula's to apply. Don't be frightened to loose a few jobs at the estimating stage and if you get them all you are far too cheap.

Advertising definitely comes down to your particular operational area, I have probably tried them all but word of mouth and sign boards on a tidy job are by far the most effective. Get out and speak to people, find out their up and coming requirements, you may find there is a big gaping hole for labour only but you will never know for sure until you ask the right people.

It's tough out there and if you listen to the news it's going to be tough for a while yet but it doesn't mean you can't be successful, good luck.
Thanks a lot very helpful hope I can sort sumthing out soon!
hi 100 % what aom say but i think if i was starting out again i would stay small i seem to be no better off in the bank, just more pepole you have to chase for money and more ****, never hire any gear if you can help it, we have just off hired some and it will be the last time i hire any, buy a bit at a time when you can, make sure you get your o licence and someone to sort mantince out on wagon if you are getting 1, make sure you can run 1 from your depot, make sure you have insurerace sort out, make sure you have found some work i know a few pepole who have been out got all the gear but no work and good luck mate cause you will need it lol
hi 100 % what aom say but i think if i was starting out again i would stay small i seem to be no better off in the bank, just more pepole you have to chase for money and more ****,

I remember a few people saying this B-safe, never actually believed it until it was too late. Best cash rich size was when it was just me and the old father in law, happy day's.
know what you are saying, went out the weekend me my boy and labourer, done a few small jobs thicking to my self this will do me couple of days a week few small jobs lol
Thanks b safe thats my thing see I have no work yet and dont really know how to go about getting the work!
My advice for what its worth would be to keep your money in the bank until this recession is over, the construction industry is going to get worse before it starts improving towards the end of 2012
Iv heard its going to get worse, hopefully things will pick up soon.
Just give it a go!
Win or Lose at least you have tried, and God loves a tryer.
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