Help needed with some mine scaffolding


New member
Jan 18, 2012
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Hi guys, stumbled accross this site while searching for scaffolding for sale, thought i'd drop in and pick your brains ('cause you're free :D)

Ive just taken over a mine site which is in pretty bad nik. I need a solution to these very dodgy (yet mines inspector approved :wondering:) stairs.

I'm thinking of scaffolding the 40' shaft with steel scaff? id like the scaff to be around 2.5m x 1m with a 1x1m clear section for services and haulage and the remainder for ladder access / staging. 2-3m 90deg verticle staging ladders ok.

The lot will sit on a reo'ed concrete collar and be rock bolted to a meshed and bolted face, with further mine development going down under the scaff.

The big question is ...

I would like to lag the outer face of the scaff and backfill the old massive shaft/open cut. What sort of scaff system would be best for this setup? is it even do-able?


here's a pic of what im dealing with..

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