New member
I am looking for advice. I recently have moved back to england and spent a long time in Canada. I worked for a company for almost 5 years doing on job training, I have no real tickets or certification. I have looked into getting trained out here in england and I have discovered that there is training centers across england that offer this. It is anywhere from £750-£850 for level one cisrs and they told me I have to wait 6 months in between each one. So my questions are these: How do you go about getting this training? What is NVQ and how much does this cost? What levels do you take first? Can you get funding? Do companies pay? I have almost 5 years experience is there any way around this waiting period? I have called these training centers and they have told me that I am S.O.L. I am very frustrated and don't want to start from the bottom again! Any advice on how to go about this situation? I just need to make money! Thanks!