Hello everyone


New member
Mar 30, 2012
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Hello everyone, im new to all this, ive never touched scaffolding in my life im 25 live in sheffield, just done 7years in the army and im thinking about possible getting into the trade.

i would appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice on the best way to get into the trade.

many thanks

Hi and Welcome To The Scaffolders Forum!

Best Regards

SF Admin
Welcome just start by giving a few local firms a bell, see if they need any labourers get cscs card aswell
Welcome to the forum, all the best in your search for work in the scaffolding industry
Hi Stozzy,Try popping round your local firms in person, explain your military back ground and your interest in getting in to scaffolding. Good luck
Hello and welcome marra good luck with you search marra hope things work out u deserve it, dont be a stranger
welcolme to the real world now mucker..lolol...gonna be a slog to get a start and you'll be labouring for quite a while but blisters on your hands and a sore shoulder beats dodging bullits and IEDs anytime ;)
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