

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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Seems official now,there will be no powerstation and £2billions pounds spent as they cannot raise the cash.
So if you want t work at Hatfield a think y best option is to go coal pickin on slag heap,lol
Yeh Budgie's declared himself skint again..Suprised yourself hasnt gone in for the land grum.lol.
Could only afford to but turf at minute Steve,we r on our last takeaway today,RAMADAM forced by none payment!
grum this shortsightedness by a goverment determind to put the lights out on us by 2015,they know these stations are needed the funding was all in place under the previous goverment(for all the proposed stations)so where is it know.another attack on construction for me by a very uncaring coallition goverment.
2 true celticbhoy,who knows what will happen if all these electric cars get on the road,build and build now,it will help us all today and tomorrw
just carnt imagine seeing you in a electric ferrari grum that would be so camp.lol
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