General Manager: Sounds about right then ^^ In Denmark the scaffolders are highly regarded, or so I have been told, Im currently looking over the water trying to find some contacts for work there, anyone have any phone numbers to share?
Frederik: Oh, took me a minute to understand what a makem is, google solved it for me, and where are you from?
aom: Yes you are right about that, its a fine line to walk when you try to keep both yourself and the buyer happy. I am still too young to be taken seriously by many of the bosses I get to work for, at least before they get to know me better.
But the main problem is that the whole Scaffolding part of Sweden is getting walked over. Price on scaffold getting dumped, perks getting withdrawn and performance salary* (*I dont know what you call it over there) is no where to be seen.
Cheap labor from Polen and such places are one of the problem we have, but no one seems interested in doing anything about it.
I could go on for a long time about the problem we have here but I think Ill stick to my plan and head over to Denmark instead,
No I have not head anything about that, would you like to share or is it classified information?