Great britain?


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Nov 4, 2010
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Two stories in the papers that makes you proud to be British. Emergency services wait 35 minutes to rescue man form 3ft of water.When they eventually got to him he was dead.Reasons waiting for the properly trained people to arrive, apparently you need specialist training to wade into 3ft of water.A policeman and an paramedic where stopped from going in because they where not trained!!Fuc--ing unbelievable.Second story,the creator of Fireman Sam was detained at Heathrow or Gatwick for passing comment about a woman? walking through a security check with a hijab or full head covering.He was detained for making upsetting racist comments.Not arrested but detained was released after being made to apologise to a Muslim security woman who made the complaint,really makes you proud to be British!
Fekking Incredible,Just What The Hell Is Going On In This Country Of Ours? It Reminds Me About The Girl Who Fell Down A Mineshaft In Strathclyde Somewhere And They Had To Wait For So Long To Rescue Her She Died. Terrible Health And Safety Gone Mad.
I can never understand how they get away with it we are not even aloud to smile
I am not a racist in any way whatsoever, but isnt it a time when we are to consider the BNP the lesser of the two evils?
It is certainly looking that way...
Unless the so-called establishment dont change, then are they the only other option?

Food for thought.
Two stories in the papers that makes you proud to be British. Emergency services wait 35 minutes to rescue man form 3ft of water.When they eventually got to him he was dead.Reasons waiting for the properly trained people to arrive, apparently you need specialist training to wade into 3ft of water.A policeman and an paramedic where stopped from going in because they where not trained!!Fuc--ing unbelievable.Second story,the creator of Fireman Sam was detained at Heathrow or Gatwick for passing comment about a woman? walking through a security check with a hijab or full head covering.He was detained for making upsetting racist comments.Not arrested but detained was released after being made to apologise to a Muslim security woman who made the complaint,really makes you proud to be British!

happened down this way 1969scaff some poor women died in one of the lakes near where i live they had to wait for a specialist team from aylesford 1 hour a way my self i would probably jump in the same as most of us but health and safety stopped the lads from getting in to save the poor women crazy world we live in now!!!
I'm in no way suggesting this story is related but every time I drive by a particular spot on Loch Awe, I think off the 3 souls that were lost rowing back too their tent during a fishing trip. It was a cold flat calm night but the boat capsized, I think one made it back to shore but 3 perished and due to the fact there was no rescue boat for miles around the poor people on the shore could do nothing but listen to the cries for help grow weaker and weaker. It would have been cheap and reasonably simple to save these lives with just a simple punt of any sort. A couple of years have passed and there is still no rescue boat in the area.
The biggest problem is none of us do anything about it, except moan on a scaffolders forum.
Block immigration, get out of the EU, overthrow the government, bring back capital punishment and tell the Yanks we're not paying any more.
can we get rid of the poll tax to,and all the tax on fuel,oh and can we have our freedom back.:D
can we get rid of the poll tax to,and all the tax on fuel,oh and can we have our freedom back.:D

Quite possibly Numbnuts as long as the councils stop throwing our cash at supposedly ethnic minorities that have a better standard of living than their British counterparts.
What we need is a f.ucking good shakeup from the top down and we haven't got long left.
it makes you want to cry what chance do the kids our future have,when their country has slid so far into the mire.
the story of 4 somalli girls kicking the shiit out of a girl in nottingham,for no reason screaming at her die you white bitch etc getting off because they were drunk and on drugs.the reason they got off was because they werent used to drink and drugs as they are muslim unlike british girls FECK ME
Its Not Great Britain anymore its just a dumping ground for any low life murdering scum this lily livered government deems fit to let live here.

Born and bred here means fook all now as our right stand for nothing against the human rights of all the illigal immigrants and such like who are flocking to these shores for an easy life and easier pickings
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