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steve gregory

Asked william hills to give the forum some prices on wether tony scaffs don't scare me B and spinless will actually do something constructive for the forum before the end of 2010.

I'm having £50 on not a chance , any profit will go to the sheffield childrens hospital.:bigsmile:
Sounds like to me someone is adding wood to the fire......... Tit 4 tat some construction workers need to go back to nursery and start again lol
Asked william hills to give the forum some prices on wether tony scaffs don't scare me B and spinless will actually do something constructive for the forum before the end of 2010.

I'm having £50 on not a chance , any profit will go to the sheffield childrens hospital.:bigsmile:

What's the odds on someone mentioning the disgusting comments you made on this forum last night whenever you pretend to play the righteous card on here?

All I posted was a training course that I had Been sent nothing else.

All I posted was a training course that I had Been sent nothing else.

That's not true...

In your opening post you said .."best done on weekends so then you dont have to pay your workforce whilst having the training"

On post number #8 when I questioned it you said..."i dont have to pay them owt. there all"
Asked william hills to give the forum some prices on wether tony scaffs don't scare me B and spinless will actually do something constructive for the forum before the end of 2010.

I'm having £50 on not a chance , any profit will go to the sheffield childrens hospital.:bigsmile:

Yet another pointless post Steve. You must Really enjoy making a fool of yourself.
Here we go again.......ding ding ding round ??????? Ive forgot
Yeh I did put that. At the end of the day I do my own training to the lads and I don't have to pay them cos I don't own the firm. LOL. That's upto the directors not me.

As for the training. It's up to the companies what they do, not me or anybody else.

Think I'll wd40 my reel for the next catch.PMSL.
Some are and some arnt but we dont live in perfect world do we,i wish we did though then there wouldnt be none of this at all....Its all getting beyond a joke now
Some are and some arnt but we dont live in perfect world do we,i wish we did though then there wouldnt be none of this at all....Its all getting beyond a joke now

It is beyond a joke and look at who started this thread. Before you know he'll have his buddies on here saying that the likes of myself have an agenda.
So come on Steve, what's your agenda? Where are we going with this one? Or did you just fancy a bit of trouble making, early doors?
My agenda is another coffee followed by a bacon and sausage sarni. It seems to me tony that it's yourself who wants to make arguements with everybody. This thread was called humourous.
On that note we'll leave it be cos I've gotta get these job tenders done. Been fun.
his comments wernt under the guise of the sccr phil,so you have to ask were his comments acceptable as a manager govner etc which a thought were wrong but why you keep trying to drag the sccr in all the time as if it was their doctrine.i maybe thought when everybody had there say on matters lastnight that would be that but no chance eh,the bookie posts dont help either steve.
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