Gateshead industrial experts PYEROY complete ship refurbishment deal


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Dec 20, 2010
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Gateshead industrial experts complete ship refurbishment deal

Published in Industrials on 24 Aug 2012

A ship refurbishment contract has just been completed by Gateshead industrial services specialists Pyeror.

Renewal of the ‘SeaRose’ vessel used a highly-skilled team of Pyeroy painters to jet-spray the hull and underside of the ship, using a durable, high performance paint after the deal with Harland and Wolff Heavy Industries (H&W) was agreed.


Pyeroy operate in industrial, construction and marine markets to provide expert services including scaffolding and equipment, specialist painting services and insulation, as well as offering civil engineering and building works for companies.

Based in eight different sites in the UK and Ireland, the firm also provide environmental management services including the removal of toxic asbestos.

Work was carried out on ‘SeaRose’ storage and offloading vessel at H&W’s Belfast yard, and Pyeroy supplied specialist refurbishment services for the marine manufacturing company.

Managing director Hugh Pelham said: “We were delighted to win this new work from H&W, reflecting how well we are meeting their needs and working as a partner on major contracts.

“Working alongside H&W, we were committed to ensuring this important project was completed safely and successfully.

“We are well placed for further growth through our strategy of added value and investment, further cementing our position as a market leader in marine industrial services.”
Its great to hear a success story but how long will it last?
Remember the like's of Denholms and Mitie Lyndseys ,doing exactly the same thing multii trade company's and successful but they no longer operate at the scale they did, indeed if at all.
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