funding available


steve gregory

mmmm hope this helps a few on here . funding is also available through the Redundancy service. not sure of any contact info but get looking into it.
steve is there any funding available for my team to put our big swedish centre half(rotten)through an intensive football course as hes a big streak of pish,id appreciate your help on this most urgent matter mate thanks.
jakdan its looking like the whole pot am afraid as this is a job neither simian or saftey&accesses could handle hes truely pish.
shame bout houghton,hes a great orator man manager pure class the man.very unlike newcastle to treat any employee shabbily think you need to part from the buffoon thats at the helm at present,just not the newcastle way of doing things.
im begining to think ashley an co actually like causing hassle, my friend has a picture on fbook with ashley wearing a mackem shirt , emblazoned with IFTM

I , FCUKED, THE ,MAGS not far wrong me thinks :suspicious:
hes like a fish out of water,i think hes treating it as one big joke.its been a bad deal for all the sooner he leaves the sooner england gets back one of their truely iconic clubs in their true form the mans embaressing the north east.
hes like a fish out of water,i think hes treating it as one big joke.its been a bad deal for all the sooner he leaves the sooner england gets back one of their truely iconic clubs in their true form the mans embaressing the north east.

to true, i'm SAFC and i think the bloke is takin the p1ss,
hughton should have kept the job for the season just for smashing us.
shame bout houghton,hes a great orator man manager pure class the man.very unlike newcastle to treat any employee shabbily think you need to part from the buffoon thats at the helm at present,just not the newcastle way of doing things.

It appears one of the significant events behind the sacking of Chris Hughton was a betting scam , for the Cockney Mafia ! On the morning of his sacking Hughton was trading at 15-1 in the Premier League "sack race" and was subject to some very hefty wagers from individuals who were trading with inside knowledge before the book was closed:mad::mad::mad:
looks like a scam if the betting is to be belived,seriouse stuff mate if proven wonder if JOHN HIGGENS had a grand on it.
Pardew Sacked down here in Southampton for shagging a directors daughter, he will shag You Geordies too !!!! Chris was a far better coach, loved him at Spurs !!!!

Good luck up there you will be shafted by Pardew & Sports Direct
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