Fuel to go up again.


steve gregory

I see on the news another 5 pence a litre hike in April. It will be £1.50 a ltr before the end of the year. I'm glad I'm not running 1 off those big black Nissan navara's. Best put my lotto on today and prey.
I see on the news another 5 pence a litre hike in April. It will be £1.50 a ltr before the end of the year. I'm glad I'm not running 1 off those big black Nissan navara's. Best put my lotto on today and prey.

The price of fuel has been annoying me for months - seems like every time I fill up (every 2 - 3 weeks), another 1 - 2p has gone on... I'm paying 129p for unleaded at the moment.

I did read somewhere that the government take something like 75% and I doubt they'll be reducing that anytime soon :mad:

Then there's the email ideas of boycotting the 2 big ones, BP and ESSO, so that they may do some leaning to reduce prices. Not sure if that would work (I don't go to them anyway!)
i dont know why your'e moaning , do what i do and just put 20 quids worth in every time you fill up and if you're worried about rising prices do all your shopping at the pound shop
Red is found for free on most sites if you look hard enough and usually comes in handy 205 litre pre packed drums
red is the only way to roll these days, a got 800 litres out the work the other day should keep me going about 4 months.
Our site got raided a couple of years ago, by HMRC, dipping the tanks for cherry diesel, 3 were caught, 2 fought the case and lost,were fined heavily. The digger driver, owned up to never spending a penny on diesel for his old Fiesta, and they just crushed his motor, he was happy as a pig in sh1t;)
its a 500 quid fine then you get your car back. they were round the other week on site , the whole car park emnptied , was great to watch ha ha
its now legal to use vegetable oil up to 2500 litres a year . as soon as the law changed to this they doubled the price and limited the amount you could buy to 7 litres . my car runs so much better on veg oil and you cant beat that chip shop smell
with all these price hikes and the wages staying the same it doesnt pay to be honest . I think alot of people and companies will sufer this year why cant the goverment help the people out and cut us some slack
not sure about wagons but dont see why not . bio diesels just a posh name for putting vegetable oil in with diesel . i have a pajero and when i got it ,it was running 50/50 diesel veg oil .i know people that run 100 % veg oil in the summer . the only problem is starting the engine when the weathers cold . you can now buy a heater to warm the oil so it starts in winter as well.my car run much better on veg oil .but the price of veg oil has right up since this was made legal .a litre of smart price veg oil from asda used to cost 37 p now its 98 and most shops have a limit on how many you can buy
If this country looked after this country first instead of giving other counties 100's of millions each year . recovery would be alot quicker.
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