
What ever happened to the working time directive wasn't it ment to give us a good rate of pay and only work 39 hour or something like that ?
Ha ha no chance of that my lads get paid 1200 Dirham a month for 31 day at 12 hours a day and there rota is 60 on 30 off.
1200 at the ex rate that's about £200 a month
Years ago, Price workers were always on the Lash by 12 on a Friday. Now though even though still on price work they want you there 39hrs, no matter what. FFS it is like being back at school, phone in if your going to be off etc.
I always try to get away early on a friday, about lunch time, mostly make it.
i always find its a good time to leave when youve threatened the agent,or its started to fecking rain:toung:
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