Freezing cold or Pi$$ wet through ?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hey guys, working in Vancouver where it was -14c last week and dry, today it was 6c and totally lashing it down. Just wondering what you would rather do 8 hours graft in ?
freezing cold for me,at least you can work yourself warm,its worst getting dry.:D
Hey guys, working in Vancouver where it was -14c last week and dry, today it was 6c and totally lashing it down. Just wondering what you would rather do 8 hours graft in ?

anything but snow or rain!!!:)
can handle the cold...(well to a certain minus that is) and you can graft to warm up...
but as for the rain ....hate it..
nothing worse than getting out the pit at 5.30 and it lashing down out side and you know it aint going to give up until the moment you step back in the house....
can handle the cold...(well to a certain minus that is) and you can graft to warm up...
but as for the rain ....hate it..
nothing worse than getting out the pit at 5.30 and it lashing down out side and you know it aint going to give up until the moment you step back in the house....
once the cold gets into my fingers i cant work . they just dont move
i spoke to a chap a while ago now like about moving to vancouver to do scaffolding, he was looking for t&f lads to go out and work with his lads doing stages and stuff, he told me vancouver was on pacific coast so it never went below freezing but rained 80% of the year .

i dont mind cold too much , there is plenty good thermal type clothing you can get plus like already said you can work yourself warm, but you can buy all the best waterproofs an still get wet so im a work in the cold kinda chap.

though shorts an t shirt is much preferred with warm weather :D
Nothing worse then cold and wet fingers to hold my pen and work the calculator !!!!!
If I'm on the tools cold and dry every time as the sun usually comes out a bit at some point, I think that's why I never liked night shift much. With the gaffers hat on it's easier to fill in your RAMS without the steel covered in ice.:eek:
cold and dry anytime but wet i just graft through it muttering under my breath FUSABAR
being a sweaty it matters not which of these as we usualy have both all the time anyway.
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