Free scaffolding training


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Good day,
I just want to inquire of the possibility
or eligibility of attending the scaffolding training
for free.
Am a month and 2 days old in the UK, I have
been issued an insurance number and other
necessary documents. I learnt Scaffolding in Nigeria under Chevron
Nigeria Limited, but employers insist I get fresh
training and certification here in the UKs, which I
can’t certainly afford.
It will be most appreciated if am granted the
opportunity to undergo the training with your assistance.

Warm regards
Wisdom T.j

51 Neville Street
CF11 6LQ
Good day,
I just want to inquire of the possibility
or eligibility of attending the scaffolding training
for free.
Am a month and 2 days old in the UK, I have
been issued an insurance number and other
necessary documents. I learnt Scaffolding in Nigeria under Chevron
Nigeria Limited, but employers insist I get fresh
training and certification here in the UKs, which I
can’t certainly afford.
It will be most appreciated if am granted the
opportunity to undergo the training with your assistance.

Warm regards
Wisdom T.j

51 Neville Street
CF11 6LQ

At this time the free training from the govenment will pay for the 10 day part two scaffold course & the NVQ level 2 that you need in order to be awarded the basic CICRS card. you will still need to complete the one day assessment at your expence and you must have completed the part one a minimum of six months prior to attending the part two.
Call 02085398729 for further details
What a fukking piss-take...

Been in the country 5 minutes and after FREE training, when theres already qualified and experienced BRITISH Scaffolders out of work and struggling to put food on the table?

This country makes me laugh, it really does. :mad:
1st thing pal move out of Wales, we have enough foreigners here go home to your own country if you want free hand outs, you have a nerve, parasites
1st thing pal move out of Wales, we have enough foreigners here go home to your own country if you want free hand outs, you have a nerve, parasites
so glad when i go on holiday and arrive destination i dont get greated like this i wouldnt go away:laugh:
**** me there is an on going issue with scaffolders who have payed into the system and worked under a card that was recognised,now defunked and those guys need "training".
im sorry wisdome but i advocate british jobs for british workers and i stand by that,we are still in recession in this country.
the oil and gas sector is still booming in nigeria try over there
for the love of fuk how fuking stupid do some of these wallapers think we are

look ya coont fuk off back to the delta thers plenty work for you over there, get back and fight for your rights wi the rebels

Im fukin sick O all yous parasites, now get yer sel ti fuk, cheeky *******
here here and if that doesnt work go and blow the **** oot thee ***** that bombed the un.its your country go and fight for it.
nigeria as a very wealthy go home and fight for your the right to earn a share of YOUR country's wealth, dont come over here man, we got fuk all M8, the parasites have sucked the very marrow out of the bones
Why dont you just buy an old banger of a car and become a mini cab driver or better still a traffic warden i would with the welcome you got on here
no ****** payed me for traineing so ******* pay for it.........................................................
no ****** payed me for traineing so ******* pay for it.........................................................

Too right.

I had to pay for most of my own tickets.

  • Basic Part 2 Scaffolding course, in 2005 - Paid for by me.
  • LU Entry permit and firecore engineering, in 2007 - Paid for by me.

  • Advanced Scaffolding course, in 2008 - Paid for by me.
  • CCNSG Safety Passport, in 2008 - Paid for by me.
  • 'Gotcha' Harness rescue, in 2011 - Paid for by me.
  • LUACAS LU course, in 2011 - Paid for by me.
  • PTS Railway card, in 2011 - Paid for by me (soon. ;)).

Unfortunately, nowadays unless you suck SERIOUS arse, your not gonna get Scaffolding firms to pay for anything.
Even though they could get most of it back via government grants...

Fukk them, dont owe no one nothing.
Pay your own way and then you can come and go as you please. :)
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