Forward Handrails?????and gadgets


Active member
Aug 11, 2010
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Just a thought for all :
Before we all go out and buy any of these super gadgets to aid us on our daily work to enable us to erect the forward handrail,
Am i right in thinking the only law is that you have to have a forward rail in place before you accend to the lift above,
That in itself is not in question.
you can erect a roof structure from crabing the beams,
you can erect a hanger from a T piece,
So why o why can we not erect a forward rail from the handrail below that has and still will be done by any scaffolder worth his salt without the aid of these super Gadgets like the step,
Im sure that the majority of Scaffs on the jobs would much prefere this;
keeping within the law, less gadgets , the use of the materials already on the job has got to be considered as a point,
has the Manufactures of all of these gadgets got any conection to the NASC and the CISRS because surely all of these Aids need training on.
Or have we all got to join and ride the Merry go round and line the pockets of these so called great inventors that make our job a lot easier?
some of our scaffolders are complaining that they are always catching there shins or tripping over all these gadgets,so were is the lodgic in this
We hope to have answers to this & many more from our two days of meetings with the HSE & Simian.

The reason you cannot fix the rail from the rail below is due to the minimum working area being 500mm. This was 600mm but fancy that the step up were 500mm & they changed the rules!!

Regards Stewart
SCCR Chairman
definate scam then (3 word reply)
because they havent yet come up with a hanging gadget or method for crabbing beams ,
but iam sure someone will think of something and make a nice fat packet out of it when they insist we use it , soon gonna be that anyone can be a scaffolder because there aint no more risk and everything is designed for you , all we gonna be is someone to hold the spanner :wondering:
Is it not the hierarchy of controls, yes I know it's a cop out but it makes it easier for Mr hse to prosecute in the event of worst case scenario.
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