Forum Sponsors Abandon Ship


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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The Arena of Life ( TOON )
Is it just me or do we seem to have lost a few forum sponsors . They like Italian Cruise Ship Captains , did they trip and fall off the forum :suspicious:

The Legal Forum Sponsors

What does it cost to sponsor the forum SF Admin or is that top secret. Just wondering so to work out why multi national companies Think a few quid isnt worth it.
Hi Superscaff

I don't remember there ever being a legal forum sponsor, but I could be wrong.

Out of the other 3 companies, 2 of the individuals I was dealing with went completely awol. The other said they were making cutbacks on there advertising spend during a difficult period.

To be fair, this is probably the worst time in recent years to be asking for sponsorship as most companies seems to view marketing as a luxury spend in the good times.
Hi Superscaff

I don't remember there ever being a legal forum sponsor, but I could be wrong.

Out of the other 3 companies, 2 of the individuals I was dealing with went completely awol. The other said they were making cutbacks on there advertising spend during a difficult period.

To be fair, this is probably the worst time in recent years to be asking for sponsorship as most companies seems to view marketing as a luxury spend in the good times.

Hi Bud I just suddenly noticed a few missing , Possibly wrong about the legal one maybe with risk disk missing just makes it look a big blank patch, its funny isnt it that one of the first cutbacks is advertising yet a lot of people advise to advertise more during this kinda period , but I suppose a more targeted advertise campaign is preferable for certain things anyway, and I also suspect some of the more organised companies will have the kind of data to show what marketing is getting the best results and therefore cutback on the lesser and put more into the better side of things .

Onward and Upward
Hi Bud I just suddenly noticed a few missing , Possibly wrong about the legal one maybe with risk disk missing just makes it look a big blank patch, its funny isnt it that one of the first cutbacks is advertising yet a lot of people advise to advertise more during this kinda period , but I suppose a more targeted advertise campaign is preferable for certain things anyway, and I also suspect some of the more organised companies will have the kind of data to show what marketing is getting the best results and therefore cutback on the lesser and put more into the better side of things .

Onward and Upward

I am a bit biased as my degree is in marketing, but your right, this is a great time to advertise if you are clever about it. The media are desperately seeking advertisers and you can get some great deals.

In regards to the second part, I would love for that to be the case. However it is more likely that companies have to cutback on advertising spending, so they have a choice between sponsoring their (mate's, son's, daughter's) / (football, rugby, racing) team or putting their money into targeted advertising with measured benefits. You know which one they keep doing!
haha, I've done my bit by buying a few things from the forum sponsors, what about you?
Buybrand tools are bloody good, and quick
They must get a fair bit if business from the forum I'd guess well worth it
I bought gloves off them once, no problems.
I've had a good bit of kit from them Aom
Got some great gloves, strong but proper thin so you can still feel what your doing and rubberised palms. Excellent grip. Only 99p a pair.
haha, sounds like an advert but yes that's the one's, half coated knitted I think they call them.
ha ha
Yes :)
Like to do my bit for the sponsors :D
They are good gloves though, dont like the thick ones
do you have to order your own PPE in there mate ?
i have a mate that can supply and he is local and will give very good deals mate
They will have to be good to better Buybrandtools, service,reliability and punctuality second to none, on the same par as Amazon.
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