Forum Problem Fixed, Please Read!

SF Admin

Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Hi All

First of all thank you to everyone who got in touch to let me know that the forum was broken.

I think the forum is now fixed as I have repaired the database that crashed.

It is typical that this would happen when I have a few days off!

I will reply to emails as soon as I can but I have had my email account temporarily suspended as It received over 15,000 error messages in 2 days!

Please let me know if you experience any further problems.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards

SF Admin
Well done Admin, I very nearly had to start talking to her again.:(
Good to see us all back up and running! 15000 emails??? you iz popular! ;)

I have been very worried about the boys over the weekend, wondering how they were coping without their SF fix. Let's hope the stampede on return doesn't crash the database again!

Nice one I thought I'd lost a limb!!

You cannot understand how much I've missed you all...,
The outrage that has been caused by the forum being broken for a few days is mindblowing!

I bet if somebody told you a couple of years ago that there would be 5,000 scaffs going bonkers because their forum had been down all weekend, you have thought they were mental!

Some thought we were under attack!! :rolleyes:

Those bloody cyber terrorists! It's Julian Assange trying to deflect some of the heat onto me!
thank god its up and running , had nothing to do over the weekend - sad !!
Thank god, I've had to speak to the missus for the last few days:cry:

5000 piszed scaffs on weekend rant

Thought you had been shut down by the PC brigade or more complaints:laugh:
I thought Big Rig/little rig/O T crew had unleashed a virus on you...Then I remembered the only virus they would have had would have been caught off each other & kept to themselves...
Thought I had been banned for some thing I wrote,was a bit like cold turkey and I have only been a member for 5 minutes,some of you old timers must have been going mad:D:nuts::wacko::cool:
Neil, a stressful weekend I gather!!!
Think I had withdrawal symptons, missed the craic. thought Tubular and his mate Tout and all those dodgy characters that pop up now an then on the forum had sabotaged it, you know like a virus.
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Wonder who'll be the next to crawl out from under a rock and come on and amuse us.
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