Bought a load of new drop forged doubles all kite marked ,
And the lads have said that that do up ok but are a nightmare to undo ,
And they have brought me 3 of these doubles that have tightened up so much they have sheared the bolts getting them undone,
These doubles look fine and are galvanised , so I was wondering if they just need a service or if the galvanising somehow heatens up or are they actually not fit for purpose , I have used a few and they do seem to tighten up quickly .
And the lads have said that that do up ok but are a nightmare to undo ,
And they have brought me 3 of these doubles that have tightened up so much they have sheared the bolts getting them undone,
These doubles look fine and are galvanised , so I was wondering if they just need a service or if the galvanising somehow heatens up or are they actually not fit for purpose , I have used a few and they do seem to tighten up quickly .