

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Don't know even where to begin with this one. Has any of you ever threaded 36ft of tube through a building without actually setting foot inside the building.:eek: Tomorrow's job is an old rotting building full of pigeon crap and the first floor has sunk to a degree they wont let anyone inside, to be stabilised using scaffold tubes threaded through window to window and forming a through tie. The engineer is a well respected guy who knows his stuff regarding facts and figures otherwise I would have thought this set up would hold very little in place if anything at all. That aside I have been lumbered with this masterpiece with little idea how we are going to manage it. Any suggestion welcome.:push:
just put three sixteens together,and feed them through.the extra tube will act as counterbalance.;)(dont forget to splice them though.)
ha ha not a clue!

Is there any chance of you throwing a rope through, getting the first tube through by sliding and someone pulling the otherside (if you fasten a jordon/double on the end) then sliding the next tube ontp of the first?

or failing that get a youngman board under a tube at one end and walk into the pit and go from there!

Both very legal im sure! ha ha
hope you have done a risk assessment for the pigeon crap its nearly as bad as asbestos...make sure masks are worn..
as numbnuts said join out slice each joint feed through(you can gauge the sag to see if its possible to continue job)what you coming off of aom???independant either side?take youl not be tieing with hilti,will you putting double buttress in,rake it all up mate connect your needles to the independants either run tubing ledgers or ally beam ledgers right through connecting every needle always find wedges come in very handy also mate,best of luck what ever way you have to do it pal.
ally tube would be easier

sleeve a 16 n 20 together then strap an 8ft bout 12 inch above ledger across the 2 outside standards to stop uplift ( better than counter balance ) then at other side shoot board thru window an clip the back of it down or even 2 boards try to get tube onto board then slide rest thru.

or poss try using a long piece of 6 inch drainage pipe
much better than my way, i would have been trying to get the rope through all day!

up there for thinkin and down there for dancin' have you seen my dancing skills!
Nice one boy's, I knew I could count on a few ideas from the forum. This sounds totally mental but there is an independent on one side of the job all buttressed and tied luvely jubbly and a flat roof on the other. I personally wouldn't give a monkeys for it holding anything but as I said the engineer is someone who has a lot of respect from all around here including myself and if he say's it's going to hold something then who am I to argue. The pigeons will be using it as a trampoline though.:D
can just imagine you on dance floor , all togged up in your john wayne leather waist coat, clint eastwood hat an charles bronson chaps, knocking out some shapes listening to rolf harris tie me kangaroo down sport, while swinging big rope around your head shouting come to daddy tom, :laugh:

real patrick swayze style :laugh:
Awkward one AOM , can you put a short say 4 meter ali beam in from each end then crab out on that and it will leave about 3-4 meter span in the middle , or better still cant you just ali beams for the ties ?
get a turfer wire and attach from on independant to the other, you will need to be john wayne to throw it this far but you should manage we managed 40' over a river, put a mills 90 on the end of the tube/beam and feed along the wire very simple but effective method.

sorry, didnt realise you had only one independant? was typing my post the same time as you
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Aom the engineer knows the strengths of the building so probably worked out that it can basically stand itself but just needs a bit bracing to stop it wobbling itself down
They are buying the gear of me as it looks like it is going to be staying in place for a while, so I don't want to start suggesting expensive beams to be going in. I reckon I'll be giving superscaffs idea a whirl but to be honest I prefer Spunkwads SAS style.:eek: Thanks for the tip regarding pigeon crap Steve, I knew it was a serious threat and we wont treat it lightly. I'm not looking forward to it as we were really meant to be doing it on Friday afternoon, but who wants to be doing that on a Friday. I've been trying to slopey shoulder it but to no avail.:sick:

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

Aom the engineer knows the strengths of the building so probably worked out that it can basically stand itself but just needs a bit bracing to stop it wobbling itself down

I think that's it in a nut shell superscaff, he is no ones fool, we just erect them eh.
wow superscaff75 calm down your getting me worried now! have you been spying on me on sat night?????
AOM. My gut reaction is, you'd better hope the engineer is right. Your real problem is not threading the tubes through, but stiffening up 36ft of tube from sag and deflection, not an easy task, more like impossible without going into the building. Only solution that comes to mind bearing in mind your restrictions, Alloy box beams. strong and rigid. Not sure of price to hire, I know SGB (harsco) have them, probably others also.
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