Filling in portfolio


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
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Can I fil in a part two portfolio for bloke that works with me he is a good fixer knows most of the tricks of the trade but gets phased by writing things down?
If so does it take long ? Cheers
Contact his training provider for assistance. Each centre works slightly different.
If he was 1 of my lads then I'd give him some 1 to 1 support even in my own time if i had to. I get loads who suffer reading and writing problems. Nearly everyone is scared to say so but the that's what we are there for. To help aid their learning. Dyslexia is very common and easily overcome.

This bit is for anybody who may be going on courses and are worried. Dont be but let make it aware to the instructor. Sometimes dyslexia is hard to spot so why should the learner suffer. By upfront and honest about it. It's not a illness, it's a problem that is easy to solve.
I filled in my 2nd fixers portfolio the whole thing he knows wat he's doin but dyslexic so got him round mine 2 nites a wk to talk me through each job an I wrote it in the correct manor didnt take long to do
thats it lads, am thick as fek when ti comes to reading and writing dont get me rong i can read but after a page av for got what its all about it just seem to be worse and the story never sits in my head, wrighting am gifted left hander so its like a spiders walk on the page with ink feet lol and me spelling isnt really any good as ya can tell by me posts, never to mention punctuation. but i think scaffolding suits people with dyslexia as ad say 60% its kenasthetic learning meanign you doign it with your hands while learning the 35% is visiual menaing you see it been done and ya learn that way and then 5 % told how to do it, what yas have done with ya second fixers is greta lads keep it up
I know it's boring as feck marra and it might not be the goal now but I would work on at least my form filling skills as any move up the proverbial ladder will require some penmanship. My old man once described my writing like an old crow had stepped in ink and walked across the page so I'm hardly the best advocate of good grammar and most things are now done on computers but it still amazes me who judges peoples intellect by their handwriting, why do so many employers still require a CV in your own hand writing?
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