Fella graps kid

marra watson

Dec 4, 2009
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Right here goes larl fella come running home with his marras, then tels me there a man took his ball of him so i goes up just as am at the door ours lass is ranting and raving the fella had only pulled laarl fela down by his ears and took the ball off him. I know kids will be kids and all and the ball had hit the window as they were plying out side. Well any how took all me styrentgh not to kick his fat tashed c@nt in infront of the kids so came home and ruing police......... When they cam the took the statment and all they seem to be botherd about was the colour and size of the fooball its the african cup of nation ball green gold and sumet eles and ti a puma larl lad tell thi to the copper and she askes agin, i so i says its a fekning football its roung its got green on it and its puma and i dnt give a fek about the ball what ya gonna do about a 40 yr old man pullign at me larl fella. They soon leave go up to his house and then come back with the ball. The first thing out of there mouth was did he really do that to you as if the larl fella was lyiing when yan of hsi marras seen it. And awey to fek ask him a few question about how he took the ball off him and insisted that he never pulled him down by his ears,our lass has the ckr wid the copper of which route it goes down bal bal and larl fellas histerical his gonna get me when i go out so i for defant no that what he has said if 100% true even thow copper donw seem to believe him and his marra which i got in there face about. Well any how do you think this is acceptable now adays i know when i was younger av been dragged in to houses till em ma and dad come (half the ftime me father kicked them in lol ) pushed about , over footballs and kids will be kids but do you think its acceptable now a days ....... And this were the fun statrs (brand new audi quatro out side the house ;))
You wont like this marra but this and a lot worse was settled by a clip round the ear when I was a boy without the need for coppers.

It's not right, but if I'm honest I think neighbours were closer back in the day and probably felt a bit more comfortable dishing out a bit of punishment. Don't get me wrong, doesn't mean it didn't boil over from time to time but not enough to involve the cops, who wouldn't have been interested anyway, even back then.
I i know wt ya sayign aom when every bvody new everybody it was acceptable to get a clip round the ear from ya mams work m8 or ya dads shovel hand .. But i no nothing of this fella at all dont know his hoistory na nothing,it ws our lass with social worker head on that syugested police and it been a scedual 1 offence(lthow its not sexuall touching of a miner its and assault on a minor so its still classed as a schedual 1 offence believe it or not ,be non as a nonse we not taking it any further for thhis reason alone ) i back her up on that as it would of been a case of he dont that am gonna do this ow am mad marra.larl bvoys petrified to go out and play now ow am mad
Yeah, different days and different situations.
there are more little joe runts now lol
could always play on a footy pitch.

Some areas if you give kids agro your windows would get put in or they may come back with a gang and give you a doing lol

all depends area you stay in
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His gable is on the football pitch and i know what ya saying about louts but his 10 i sertanly dont rais a hand to him (althow av ben close lol but hsi nto my son nor is it my place to) having said that our lass wont raise a ahnd to him ither and fior some 1 eles to think is ok to do it nar not a sniff marra lol
ye ...out of order. there are ways to deal with it ....

always stay calm lol
if the guy who did it is a bum who watches jeremy kyle and doesnt work , id kick his head in , if he's a normal member of society , id have a polite word and explain to him that if the boy's done something wrong he should tell you , if theirs hands to be raised , it should be yours
me too , im usually just back from whatever job ive just quit , couple of sausage rolls out of greggs , subway coffee , then i chill out an laugh at the ***** , the best shows are when its a family and one of them has stole something , fuckin brilliant
Its amazing here, the vast majority of people have nothing or very little. However children are valued greatly. Every house is open house and all the kids are looked after by neighbours young and old with no worries. My house is regularly full of kids playing with my daughter, also having tv, a fan and a freezer full of ice cream may have something to do with it!!
Any disputes are settled by an elected member of the community called a barangay captain so no need to involve police or resort to violence. The whole community exists peacefully.
It used to be like that in the eastend, Glasgow, Liverpool etc many years ago when most of the people had nothing. Is the "must have jealous " society in western countries to blame?
yes , only the other day while at the train station , i watched some punk kid rolling back an forward on his bmx (now the platform is about 10 ft wide) this **** is rolling back an forward on his bike , leaving people about 3ft to pass him , the people are having to walk by right at the edge of the platform , i counted about a dozen people who walked by him (he 's even rolling his bike towards people as they walk by) not one person seemed slighty bothered about this , young and old ( to me it summed up the way britain is , we just put up with things and say nothing ) all the time im sittin there fuming and had to stop myself from going over an tellin this **** to **** off out the way , i know if i i did , then it would have escalated and id have ended up leathering a 16 yr old , i fuckin wanted too.
these people could teach us a thing or two , a lack of manners is something that really makes me angry
Yes they could. I am learning everyday. The biggest problem here has been corrupt governments for 50 years that have raped the countries wealth and left ordinary people to struggle.
Majority of people here are very religious and attend church regularly. I liken it to how UK was 200 or 300 years ago when the country was ruled by 3 or 4 families and evryone else worked on their land, in their factories or had to fight in their wars.
Scaff89,i think you're saying this bloke dragged your kid by his ears,i would'nt go to the cops,complete waste of time that,i'm of the opinion an eye for an eye,and any c*nt puts their hands on any of my kids and they'll get a large dose of fatherly violence:mad:
That was our lasses idea been a social worker and all but i his tash getting ripped off when i see him. Police been down again to day to take a actuall statement lad fella dnt wanna press charges thats his disision so pobbie talking him in for questioning to scare him i fink schedual 1 offender it would make him same as a pedo so when it dies down his getting it in the pokegt but ill let him knwo it was me
AOM can you translate please Google translator dont recognize the lingo

it just disnay kin it marra
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