


Steelworker crushed to death at Yorkshire foundry - Yorkshire Post
BBC News - Man killed in Lindsey Oil Refinery explosion
Community Corus death highlights importance of Workers’ Memorial Day
Construction worker suffers fatal work injury at Lancaster Gate « Injury Claim Guide
There seems to have been a considerable amount of fatalities over the last few months three of them are pretty local. Never think it cannot happen to you, if you think something is unsafe or you are not confident with your risk assessments and method statements speak out, you may just prevent yourself or your workmates becoming a statistic
I have a bad feeling that fatalities this year will be one of the worst for many years :(

With many families left without thier Dad,husband,partner,brother,son
Fatalities effect a great number of people

Dont forget also the guys that end up in wheelchairs, bed ridden or on crutches for the rest of thier lives the fatalities are only the tip of the iceberge

Lets all work safely and look out for the other guy.

Report and keep on reporting bad practice until it is rectified

Apathy Kills, Maims and ruins hundreds of thousand of lives a year
rigger good coment , usually as a result of cutting corners and costs
Seems to be a definate upturn in accidents lately.

Dont know about you two though but it always seems to be our industry that gets the brunt of the legislation. In actual fact the statistics for accidents involving scaffolders are on a downward turn. So why the constant bollox regarding advanced guardrails/step ups etc when its pretty obvious to me the problem with work related accidents lies well and truely elsewhere. Other trades need to be educated to a higher standard I think.

I had a conversation (argument) with a contracts manager for one of our clients a few weeks ago regarding a few site issues, in particular about a loading bay. He was making such an issue about signage and other minor crap, so I asked him about the weights of materials being loaded onto them and guess what, not one person on site knew the weight of the various pallets of blocks or bricks or whatever else was being put onto the bay.

It is beginning to pi55 me off a bit that we (scaffs and managers) are constantly getting flak for this and that when other trades just blindly go about their business oblivious to anything else. Arrrgghhhh, Im gonna find some little bloke to pick on....:toung:
Same here Dave-ja-vue, I had a simmilar discussion with so called company safety man about 4 storey timber frame, the order was to start rattling it up, they all got very confused when I mentioned ties, even worse when I asked for the drawing for the buttresses they wanted me to erect. Just give us the ties to do it right erse hole.:mad:

Why do you think there seems to be a rise in fatalities this year to previous years? Looking around this corner of the world there is certainly a lot more dodgy jobs standing mostly built by brickies and plumbers with far too much time on their hands and not enough training.
having the same constant aggro on a site we on at mo , winge all the time but still overload every bricky lift
Must be the same on every site in the land scaffy. I get fed up writing on the h/o single loaded lift on all loading bay's but every one stacked to the tit's.
its in the genes son or in your case the kilt
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