Fat boy has a start

fat boy

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
thanks ALLSCAFF for putting me on to a lead last night that payed off keeping cards close to my chest for now soo im not naming names but its early doors for me in the morning....
Top man FB bit of advice make sure you turn in every day on time, have a go and have right good laugh with the boys..... Then Ull be a legend in there eyes fat boy good luck fella
Go for it fatboy, keep the trap shut, and your head down Learn the game before you start giving your way of doing the job.:worried:

onward and upward
i thought you were a wind up fatty but best of luck as rigger says keep quiet look and learn.well done to all concerned for giving you this chance.
this is a great game with a lot of real characters all the best and be SAFE;)
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