Famous Quotes


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
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West Wales
Famous quotes

Pass me the tequila," Sheila " didn't go down to well in Oz
Pour a gallon in me allen,me to barman later or if it's a barmaid,fill me up me little buttercup,amongst other things of course;):laugh::laugh:
george best : i spent all my money on beer ,women and cars , i wasted the rest , it was something like that
Winston Churchill's house keeper, "Why, Mr Churchill You Are Drunk."

"Yes dear, I am drunk and you are ugly but I will be sober in the morning."

Pure class and can be altered to suit any scenario.;)
No b@stard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb b@stard die for his country.
George S. Patton
We've come here to pay our respects to Great Aunt Nellie. She brought us up properly and taught us loyalty. Now I want you to remember that during these next few days. I also want you to remember that if you don't come back with the goods, Nellie here will turn in her grave, and, likely as not, jump right out of it and kick your teeth in.
Mr Bridger in The Italian Job
Where you from boy ? Kanase City Sir , **** Kanase city only 2 things came out of kanase City ,steers and queers and you dont look to much like a steer to me , kinder narrows it down dont it . Staff Sargent Full Metal Jacket.
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