Fair Fortnight


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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We shut down on Friday for the Glasgow fair fortnight. I just wondered how many of you still shut for the trades holiday and how many get to take it when they want.
And two weeks summer holiday when you like?
We get 2 weeks anytime between April and October. Then the usual 2 weeks at xmas and a week at Easter
cant afford to close for 2 weeks only at xmas
cant afford to close for 2 weeks only at xmas

It seems the trade holiday is becoming a thing of the past and maybe I am still stuck in the dark ages, but my biggest customer still shuts down and it seems it's the only way I can get a holiday. We could be limping along for a couple of months if everyone took time off separately.

One good thing I like about the shut down wither it's Christmas or summer, is to keep the last day up my sleeve, nobody wants to graft anyway, big breakfast at the local greasy spoon, clean the trucks and vans, sweep the yard then the whole squad in the pub for 2 pissed for 6 in bed before the news finishes. What a bunch of light weights eh.:sick:
several years ago we used to be in a partnership with a big london bricky firm Frank Staddon Ltd and they used to close for 2 weeks in the summer , thats the only time have come across this mid year brake , this is our busiest time at the min
Glad to hear you are busy scaffy, we are up and down at the moment if you pardon the pun. The dynamics have maybe changed over the years in the cities but I don't think we loose any work over it as it seems pretty accepted around here but it can be a bit of a nightmare in August trying to catch up. The first couple of years in business I got it totally wrong, went on holiday and got nothing but grief on the phone, second year stayed open and brushed the yard nearly the whole time.
Ha well aom at least youl be flat out in august , it has been up and down at this end to , but has flattened out since april
sounds like my sort of firm aom.look after the men

Your only ever going to be as good as the guy's you employ englishbob. Never am I ever going to be perfect, but the boy's look after me all year so the least I can do is give them a day out now and again. I suppose it's easier when you are so small. I hope none of them are reading this.:sick:
not many companys shut the fair now mate,mind most did and u had to take the holiday?whats ur company name if u dnt mind me asking.
No bother Celtibhoy, AOM Scaffolding Ltd. You wont know it we are not in Glasgow we are in Argyll, just drive over the Erskine bridge past Lochlomond and when you run out of road you will be in my back yard.:D
Our Traditional summer hols has always been the 'Builders fortnight', last week in July 1st week in August. However in this day and age, more and more sites stay open. For this reason we can take our Summer leave when we want it, instead of the 2 dearest weeks of the holiday season.

We have one major shortfall to this system. The Head office still closes for the Traditional summer break. This means that everybody receives their Holiday pay at the same time, irrespective of when you are taking them.
I must have driven through it on my way to Oban for a spot of diving :amazed:
is it the one with tons of gear in and a well brushed yard and spotless wagons :D Sorry old mate
Yip, thats the one rigger. Think most yards are the same at the moment. I have a cunning plan though.:cool:
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