End of an era, Agencies taking over.


Active member
Aug 3, 2010
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I have just been speaking to some fellow about future work from an agency, He said he hasnt got anything right away but is in talks this week regarding staythorpe, eggborough, drax and ferrybridge (sure he mentioned more)

Is this the end of outtage contracts and being taken on by the company doing the outtage, the loss of digs and travel being paid ?

I've no idea how true his word is but if that is the case I for one do not want to be in this job if that is the way the future will be.
F**king stinks iv only been inn tha game a few years and it just seems to be getting worse! Sad times!
Things have changed so much in the time I've been out and come back, and non if it for the better. Except H&S but even that's been taken too far
If it benefits the companys doing the outage,then you can rest assured it will happen:(
My cousins a welder & it's impossible for them to get work without the agencies now. We'll be in the same boat pretty soon. :wacko:
I find it quite ironic that the new SF agency sponsors are being welcomed to the forum with open arms.
totally agree Phil. How was the sking hol?
I honestly dont mind Agencies.
You know exactly where you stand with them.

They pay you to turn up and Scaffold - you get a better offer somewhere else - you leave.
No love lost, no skin off anyones nose.

You dont have to kill yourself, as your just Agency 'scum', lol and NO ONE owns you either.

Thats how i like it, anyway. :)
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