Email Scams


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hi Guys

Just a cautionary word and reminder...

Our MD (Roger) got an email supposedly from facebook last night, which is odd in itself, as he doesn't have a Facebook account! Anyway, it came with a zip attachment and stated that his account had been blocked and the password reset and here in the zip file were the password instructions... MY A*SE!!! Oh and it was addressed to his regular email too... hmmm.

Then today, a friend showed me an email she received in her account (Hotmail or MSN by any other name). It states that her account is about to expire/ be deleted and she needed to reply to the email, filling out her email addy, password, country and DOB. sheesh!


First clue - the spelling and grammar is usually very bad in these emails.

More importantly, none of these organisations, along with banks & building societies will ever EVER ask you for these details via email. Never reply to them! NEVER open the attachment and if you are really unsure about its genuity, do a very quick google search using the title of the email as your search term.

Likewise, if it's a similar email asking you to click the link, DO NOT! It'll take you to a very proper looking website that is phishing for your details. If you are in any doubt at all, actually type the website address into your own browser and see what it has to say about the email sent to you.

Stay safe surfing!!
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