Quote ready lock transoms double arms dog bones these are the main three names,they was originally brought out in the mid 50s, my grandfather worked with them ,
The first company to bring them out was mills and as they didn't paten their idea sgb followed quickly and became the dominant user of ready locks Palmers never followed in this idea because their argument for ledger braces was recommended in construction guidelines for scaffolding however the feed between mills and sgb didn't stop there mills brought out their own double which we all know is steel to steel and sgb with band an plate,the paten for the make of ready locks was lifted and now are made on a industrial scale in China something sgb must regret as to putting large investments in ready lock which is no good the ready are a very popular in the south yorkshire area and have been for over 40 years they are one of the fastest things I have ever worked with and still found nothing to match them level out first lift then just staff off only time for level is to plum your leg in left or right job done hope this helps scc,